Example sentences of "[noun sg] [coord] he [vb mod] n't [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 I kept telling myself that it was n't likely , that the man who shot at me could n't have known anything about my boat or he would n't have asked about my car , that I 'd met no one else on the entire expedition , and that if ever a place could be described as lonely and unvisited , it was Winter Marsh in mid-October .
2 After his Mum had been up to say goodnight to him , Philip lay a long time thinking and he could n't keep out of his mind the thin chalk letters on the pavement in Hill View .
3 He was a soldier and he would n't have wanted to die any other way .
4 No , no he was n't well , I went to see her er I think he may have had a stroke and he ca n't get about very well at all
5 She apologizes as well , because she could n't find any frozen peas for Timmy 's tea and he would n't eat the broccoli .
6 She could n't find Nick 's face flannel by its flickering light and he would n't use hers .
7 I tried to take his mind off her by talking about the Norwegian leather industry but he could n't get interested somehow .
8 They had tried to persuade Harry to have a bed in their dormitory but he would n't agree .
9 The only time Richard snores , snores is if he 's got a cold and he ca n't breathe through his nose .
10 But then he suddenly went away by the window and he would n't come back .
11 He was really going to buy cigars at the shop next door , but I saw the sugar mice in the window and he could n't get me away until he came in and bought some .
12 And Lee will have done all that revision and he wo n't come out with an A.
13 I know I 'd had to smash the door , he had to smash the door open with a spade , the lock for me , cos , he , he , he could n't get , he tried er taking that panel out at the bottom and he could n't get it out and I did n't really want him to smash the double glazed glass , in fact it , that would of been very difficult
14 comes along or not , but I just thought it might be nice to give him a break away from home and he wo n't go on his
15 I think it was simply because she was a little girl and he could n't get on with her .
16 He had tried several times at a local shooting range but he could n't bring himself to pull the trigger .
17 Yeah I mean get the hall but he ca n't get the er you know
18 He tried therefore , to evade the issue but he could n't do it .
19 Something about there being no place like home but he could n't go home in the dark .
20 He wanted help but he would n't give an inch about anything .
21 ‘ Bailey 's already briefed him on the telephone but he wo n't know you 're in charge of the operation until he gets here .
22 He was covered in white frost from head to toe and he could n't stop his teeth from chattering .
23 It 's the I not , I mean he should have grouted that little bit and he should n't have put
24 Yeah he got trapped in a car park and he could n't get out for ages and ages and then as he got out he crashed into another car .
25 he he 's he , he 's a he 's a user and he ca n't take it when he 's dumped and he ca n't take being told the truth , like he 's an idiot .
26 All that lovely money and he could n't touch it .
27 On the way back he pulled up on the side of the road and just said mum and him could n't live together any more . ’
28 And Gill gave her job to go and work in the shop and he would n't let her go and work in it .
29 David does n't want them in the first place and he wo n't argue , I 've discussed it with Robin he wo n't argue , erm Richard who 's the only one that could really be regarded as a loser dare n't argue 'cos it 's his report that recommends we they come back to us , and John wo n't understand the item so I think we 're alright there .
30 He could n't go into their room and he could n't keep the evil out .
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