Example sentences of "[noun sg] [coord] [vb base] back [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 He would linger on those delivery trips and stay for dinner or tea or come back via the Talbot , the pub across the road , although he was under age .
2 Turn left into Bleak Terrace and go back onto the Fell through the wicket gate to the village boundary wall .
3 I finish my tea and climb back into the Toyota .
4 I take the tube and have my first puff and lean back upon the settee , my eyes closed , my legs spread slightly .
5 Okay press the er escape key and go back to the regression results , erm so return to the post regression menu and then display regression results , regressult results again .
6 I then collect the grassbox and jog back to the front of the house where Pa is waiting .
7 I shut the window and move back into the room .
8 The road would be turning east soon , and taking them back to the main road so that they could turn south and walk back to the house .
9 That report , I trust will be adopted by the , er the public services national committee and go back to the C E C for the endorsement and er , watch this space .
10 An Outreach scheme has been devised which divides the parish into six areas , each manned by teams of church members whose job it is to identify ways in which they can provide help and report back to the church .
11 Head to the viewing platform and then turn right through the wood and go back to the field turning right down the hard path and going back to the Castle Bolton signpost .
12 You have to discard the propeller engine and go back to the drawing board .
13 With any luck I 'd have time to dry my hair and dive back into the satin whatsits before he arrived .
14 ‘ Press down with your left foot and pull back on the green lever , then , ’ said the Thing .
15 ‘ We turn round at Grindlewood Park and go back to the depot . ’
16 They wo n't do away with them , no but cos they , they 're trying to do away with the National Dock Labour Board and come back to the old system .
17 Keep a good lookout and stay back from the line a little so that you do n't get into problems with people on starboard tack , then look for a gap to tack into .
18 In short , it may be illuminating to start with the damage and work back through the cause of it to the possible duty which may have been broken .
19 ‘ I felt there was a real danger that we would turn full circle and go back to the dark days under Revie when the manager 's indecision was final . ’
20 There was nothing for it but to try to make their way on foot out of the town and walk back to the rendezvous with Robin Gurdon .
21 An attack would have been tantamount to committing suicide , so reluctantly Stirling gave orders to leave the town and head back for the rendezvous with the LRDG .
22 Would n't it be a poor thing to have the man close his shop and walk back for a kind of half-hearted snack .
23 Hold the tape measure loosely round the pulled back curtain and hold back against the hook .
24 Then step into your body and look back at the scene .
25 The local authority must complete the investigation and report back to the court within eight weeks unless the court directs otherwise .
26 An Irishman had denied belonging to an illegal terrorist organisation ; one of the Sergeants had left the room and come back with a photocopy of a warrant for his arrest issued by the RUC in Dundalk .
27 About ten minutes later , we decide we 've cooled down sufficiently to be able to leave the men 's room and go back into the restaurant .
28 I lower myself into a contained eddy of water and lean back against a seat of rounded stone .
29 He had but three vessels left and despite urgent pleas from his men — now demoralized again , fretful once they realized another ship was gone — to abandon the voyage and sail back to the Guadalquivir , he pressed on north-westwards , passing through scenery of a wild grandeur and beauty he had never known before .
30 Simmel asserts that many of the attitudes which surround , and were created through the impact of , money as abstraction are most evident when it has not completely achieved its role in transforming its own social context , and where there are still structures which resist this transformation and hark back to a non-monetarized era .
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