Example sentences of "[noun sg] [coord] [noun prp] [vb mod] [not/n't] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 His hair was the one major battle that Jazz had failed to win with his parents ; Jazz wanted to cut it , but uncut hair was a dogma of the Sikh religion and Jazz could n't win .
2 There was a polite shunting of chairs to make space for an extra one , and Eliot managed a few pleasantries while Shildon looked thoroughly annoyed by the intrusion and Harbury could not contain his delight .
3 Adam would have preferred to phone for a hire car but Lewis would n't hear of it .
4 If Mr does n't like field sports he should seek , try to seek to persuade Parliament to ban it he 'll have an excellent opportunity because he 'll , he 's told us that he 'll be an MP shortly that 's what 's happening , that 's what 's happened in the case of cock fighting and badger baiting it has n't happened in the case of fox hunting and Mr should n't abuse his position as a councillor to dictate to the council 's tenants in the way that he proposes .
5 Annunciata , coming in singing with coffee , was reprimanded for causing a headache to begin on that instant and Wilson could not help feeling triumphant .
6 ‘ Celtic have problems that wo n't be sorted out over 90 minutes at Dens Park and Dundee will not go into this game as the underdogs , ’ said Stainrod .
7 With 16 minutes gone another through ball this time from Stephen Doherty caught the ragged home defence and Patton could n't believe his luck .
8 However , she could not avoid it at The Tamarisks , for although Fru Møller offered a generous choice of hors d'œuvres and puddings she did not provide a choice of main course and Elisabeth would not have dreamt of placing herself at a disadvantage by drawing attention to her disability and pleading for something easier than steak to swallow .
9 One of Suntory 's products is whisky and Japan can not get enough of the stuff .
10 It 's an age-old problem and nothing that a dab of string lubricant or Vaseline would n't cure .
11 I fail to see why giants like Central Point and Symantec ca n't do likewise .
12 Manager Peter Reid wanted him on trial but Ghent will not let their man leave on approval .
13 He had painted his best friend and his wife and Jenna could n't fault it .
14 He warned that if some EC partners went ahead prematurely it would be a big mistake and Britain would not join them .
15 No er er erm it 's all in the cutting , of course it is very no that 's pork and Noel dare n't touch it so I 've got two slices so that you and I could have one .
16 The third missed opportunity could have been the try of the season after Botica broke brilliantly from his own line and beat man after man but Offiah could not hold his pass on halfway with no-one between him and the Bradford line .
17 Pulling it open would be too great a risk and Turner could not trust his own hands to hold the bag steady .
18 The merchant had regained some of his arrogance and Cranston could not stop himself .
19 Hopper wrote the line and Fonda could not understand it .
20 Navarra is I believe unique in that it provides a politically acceptable centre such that both the Basque Country and Catalonia would not find it embarrassing to attend a summer school there , and in that it is sufficiently endowed while remaining approachable to provide an alternative to Madrid , which would I imagine present far greater bureaucratic difficulty .
21 They believed in the myth and Diana could not bring herself to tell them the awful truth .
22 The pram was by the dresser but Wycliffe could not see whether or not the baby was in it .
23 Stephano and Trinculo can not go above prose , being ‘ below stairs ’ in every sense .
24 It would not do for it to take place in Moran 's house and Moran would not go to a hotel .
25 Lennie knew about George 's craving for freedom and often threatened to leave , but George felt obliged to look after Lennie as Lennie could not fend for himself in a cave and Lennie could not cope with going to jail or a home to be treated like an animal .
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