Example sentences of "[noun sg] [coord] [adv] [verb] that [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Reminding Management of diurnal enuresis has been attempted with initially asking the parent to remind the child regularly when to go to the lavatory and gradually pass that responsibility on to the child .
2 The directorate searched for some method , other than a quick fix-it , which would draw the business into acceptable profitability and then develop that position .
3 Initially , the group toyed with the idea of developing a new unconstrained , non-compatible architecture but then abandoned that notion claiming the trade-off suffered was relatively minor .
4 The assessment of whether an odour problem amounts to a statutory nuisance within s.92 of the Public Health Act 1936 is a most difficult decision and then to justify that decision before a court equally so .
5 If you can not find a language helper who only wants to work for one hour a day , try hiring someone to do gardening or housework for you on a more fulltime basis and then use that person also as a language helper until you reach the stage where you can cope with a fulltime language helper .
6 Well , it would be between the County Council and the College , I mean I , I ca n't envisage the situation that we would actually serve notice on the , on the College to leave the site and therefore trigger that part of the agreement .
7 Next month I shall be writing about the rib transfer carriage , another small accessory that not only does a good job but also helps that neck ache !
8 All of these patients are loath to consider an ileostomy at the moment but fully accept that pouch excision may eventually be necessary .
9 ‘ You have a rest and then make that list which will help us to find her .
10 Chemical staining involves a reaction which produces a coloured precipitate on a specific mineral surface and therefore makes that mineral more easily recognized .
11 After that contest , Docherty expects to fight Vincenzo Belcastro , ranked fourth in the world , for the European title and also use that contest as an eliminator for the right to box for the world crown .
12 This energy was hungry and destructive , bestowing power upon a person but invariably injuring that person by virtue of the power it bestowed .
13 erm dial the local S T D code and then use that call d do the call on the S T D code .
14 Mr Twyble took over as Captain and still holds that position .
15 It was also at this stage of increasing daily use and possibly injecting that family relationships generally became strained and in many cases reached breaking point .
16 The ability to learn about the environment and even communicate that information to one 's fellow creatures , as bees , birds and animals do , is dependent upon the inner completeness of the tattvic tapestry .
17 While the General Election remained remote , loyal party members were prepared to flirt with realignment and even to admit that Labour stood no chance of victory if it fought alone .
18 In her future , a big fundamentalist upsurge has stuck women back in the kitchen and the bedroom , turned their money into plastic and then taken that plastic away .
19 How easy it is to allow life to be swallowed up by the daily round and so to miss that pause to reflect and to take one 's bearings .
20 His personal score stood at seven which made him an ace and then came that morning of ferocious winds and driving snow when he 'd come in at four hundred feet , flying blind , lost his engine at the last moment and crash-landed .
21 The great majority of nationals of the member state in question are resident and domiciled in that state and therefore meet that requirement automatically , whereas nationals of other member states would , in most cases , have to move their residence and domicile to that state in order to comply with the requirements of its legislation .
22 A major part of the Unit involves inquiry work where pupils are required to manipulate information retrieved from a database and then reproduce that information through a program containing such graphical options such as bar charts and pie charts .
23 Very simply it presents , through its visual image of the Crucifixion and its present-tense appeal to passers-by to think of the uniqueness of the love it manifests , a sense of the issues of the Passion as a continual process : The final two lines complete the physical image but metaphorically signify that reality at the heart of Christianity , that through the experience of suffering the strength of love is made known .
24 I have known many who have competed in the Olympic Games and I do not know one who does not still cherish the memory and still treasure that thrill of competition at the highest level .
25 We are moving towards a system where a choice will be made and that choice will become reality because the money will follow the patient and so enable that patient to be treated .
26 Down this road , turn this way and then turn that way and you 'll be there .
27 He had not written much since The Complete History of Wimbledon and that book 's rejection by ten publishers ( he had still not heard from The Applecote Press , Chewton Mendip ) had made him a little nervous of putting pen to paper , but he found that if he emptied his mind of everything and forced his hand to fist a biro and then forced that biro across a sheet of paper , some pretty profound and interesting thoughts resulted .
28 You see I could n't spend a hundred hours on a painting and only ask that amount of money .
29 They simply " incorporate " the working class into the established system and so legitimise that system in a way that stops any real change .
30 ‘ This is a record number for this level of position and clearly indicates that competition for senior posts is getting tougher , ’ says David Bodmer , director of Michael Page Marketing .
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