Example sentences of "[noun sg] [coord] [pers pn] [vb mod] [be] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ You do n't know who 's hiding in that snicket by the church — it could be the vicar or it could be Dracula , they look the same when it 's dark .
2 The symptoms of some women would improve after removal of the device whatever the underlying condition and it might be months or years later that recurrence of the symptoms would lead to diagnosis of endometriosis .
3 What we can say is that the landscape and the resources are already there as background noise and it will be people who decide on the importance of the new material and how , or even if , it is used .
4 They may exist in their own right or they may be illustrations in a book .
5 Right , we 'll go up this way , through the promena along the promenade , and then we 'll go back through the town and it 'll be time to get the others from school by then .
6 ‘ It 's a pity that Stephen has met this girl who seems to want his every free minute or he 'd be company for you . ’
7 Another minute and he would be broadside to the swell .
8 I have no date for the 3d ticket but it could be post war .
9 It might be a sullen grey sky but it would be daylight for hours yet …
10 There has to be an incredible amount of subtlety or it would be nonsense . ’
11 It may be information or it may be components for incorporation in the contractor 's activities .
12 ‘ They have turned the company around against a tight economic background and it would be shame if it was pounced on .
13 ‘ You must be Corin and you must be Alleyn ? ’
14 Australia are the best in the world because they won the World Cup and they will be world champions until the next time .
15 It was now early autumn and it would be winter soon .
16 I could n't square what I was doing with the view of the world I have tried to transmit to my pubescent son : sex is a wonderful thing but it should be part of a loving relationship .
17 This may be a specialist unit trust company or it may be part of some other large financial grouping , a subsidiary of a retail or merchant bank for example .
18 ‘ An inch either way and you 'd be history , so I hear .
19 A quick mile round the town , a shower and it would be time for the evening reading .
20 Mr Patten has promised enough resources for the inspectorate to solve this problem but it may be years before it is strong enough to effectively enforce its new duties .
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