Example sentences of "[noun sg] [coord] [adv] it [be] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Broad , Gower and Lamb fell in quick succession and then it was just a case of mopping up .
2 I rebooted using DOS 5 , ran the Mem command and there it was again — 34Mb of Extended memory !
3 No longer was Crisp 's action light and forward it was now laboured and sideways as if he was drunk .
4 It makes me cross — all that work and then it 's all consumed in two minutes .
5 I survey it from my bedroom window and everywhere it is quite at home .
6 But of course the water is not heaped up into a cube and so it is perhaps more appropriate , though less convenient , to think of this mass of salt water in its actual context — as a veneer-thin skin which lurks in those troughs and valleys which fall below the mean circumference of the earth 's planetary spheroid .
7 Maggie Wheeler makes her guests feel entirely at home and certainly it is very easy to relax in this ‘ no rules ’ atmosphere , where you can enjoy meeting the other guests around the kitchen table in an informal atmosphere with Maggie taking the time to help you plan your itinerary .
8 By the time you 've mastered gybing , you can sail in almost any direction and so it 's now time to look at the five essentials for sailing well .
9 She was n't heavy and although I 'm no weight-training freak , I lifted her until her backside was balanced on the tailboard and then it was just a matter of rolling her in to the well of the truck , the back of her head making a satisfying thud as she landed .
10 But his mind had clouded over again at the wrong moment and now it was too late .
11 so they 're trying to corner it and it 's munching on grass quite happily , you could see it was watching a minute , but it was watching them away and I think er any minute it 's looking out the corner of its eye and then it 's just gon na go when he sees it getting closer .
12 ‘ Planned it for years to give me pleasure in my retirement and now it 's just getting into a mess .
13 But nevertheless that 's human nature and perhaps it 's also a reason why life should not stand still , whatever progress we make both in housing and in quality of housing and the quality of life , once people are used to that , to that they expect more and this is what progress , what forward thinking is all about .
14 It is a large country with a small population and so it is very easy to get lost .
15 The British population of some 52,000 is 65 per cent of the world population and so it is very important that these numbers are protected .
16 In the classical period and earlier it was quite common for statues of goddesses to be annually reinvested with robes .
17 Ah so you start off start on Wednesday evening and then it 's usually a daily dose and Thursday you can restart your water tablets , once again one in the morning , okay .
18 So we do n't experience that difficulty but otherwise it 's very serious .
19 There is times I 've casually picked it up , dropped it on the floor and forgotten to pick it up for a while because I 'm on the phone and sometimes it is quite loud in my ear .
20 We 'd , it was very serious in our day but now it 's much more fun .
21 It is only in the last thirty-five years that animals had been allowed to have ‘ mental ’ processes other than learning and so it is only in that time that psychologists have developed the behavioural tests to investigate them .
22 The problem sheets are so difficult now nobody can do them and they usually just wait until the answers come out every week and usually it 's just a case of copying them down .
23 ‘ I 'll give you a quick bath and then it 's straight to bed . ’
24 However what , what I think is the most important aspect of this , the communist party is not and never has been a party in the normal sense of the term , it 's a closed shop for the ruling establishment of the Soviet Union and therefore it 's quite simply incompatible with politics .
25 The convention you follow may be a matter of personal choice but nowadays it is more likely to he a matter of company house-style .
26 You could do but I mean , I I the n the amount of money needed for completion sounds a lot but actually it 's probably I think two and a half two hundred and fifty thousand to complete .
27 The excitement rises with the plane but soon it is just another flight .
28 I think we did speak about that , the offie but mostly it was just the little house , outside Mhm .
29 It is the only genre that was born and nourished in a new era of world history and therefore it is deeply akin to that era , whereas the other major genres entered that era as already fixed forms , as an inheritance , and only now are they adapting themselves — some better , some worse — to the new conditions of their existence .
30 Most hotels have periods of high activity and low activity and therefore it is quite common practice to organise the duty rotas for certain members of staff on a ‘ split duty ’ basis .
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