Example sentences of "[noun sg] [coord] [verb] that it [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Place the key in the lock and check that it works from both sides .
2 People were cursing the Greenhouse Effect and swearing that it had put paid to surf in Hawaii for all time .
3 This attitude reflects badly on the conference service industry and demonstrates that it has still not fully come to terms with the need for quality and a caring approach in its business .
4 Meanwhile Sawyer announced the appointment of six Cabinet ministers to his interim administration and said that it did not intend to stay in power for more than a year .
5 Officials of the ODA will work with local health personnel and through groups like the Red Cross to identify hospitals and clinics which will made good use of the aid and ensure that it gets to those who truly need it .
6 She tried to push the thought from her mind but found that it persisted .
7 ‘ But because you have no concept of how to relate to people on anything other than a superficial level , you have a terrible shock when you get into a situation like marriage and find that it does n't live up to your fantasies .
8 She found out about the work and discovered that it needed understanding and patience and was very demanding ; speech therapists have to be effective communicators , with clear and accurate speech , a sensitive ear and a good command of written English .
9 The European Court overrode Italian civil law and stated that it did not consider these posts to be in the public service .
10 On Aug. 16 Iraq 's permanent representative at the UN , Abdul Amir al-Anbari , rejected Resolution 706 as a violation of Iraq 's sovereignty and claimed that it reduced Iraq 's position to one of " trusteeship " .
11 Just imagine what your reaction would be if you were given a brand new washing machine and told that it had to last you for seventy years or more .
12 Fosse believe that the Advantage system is the first such system to be designed specifically for tennis and says that it has been its most successful introduction into the game with over 200 installations in the last four years .
13 In a surprise move , NEC Corp has approached Convex Computer Corp and proposed that it market the Convex C3 minisupercomputers in Japan to plug the gap below its own SX3 supercomputers .
14 After the election the new government in November 1990 again expressed its support for the ban and confirmed that it remained in place .
15 They listened to the Black story and admitted that it had important implications .
16 Edinburgh District Council have been consulted and officials from their Planning Department have looked at the route and agreed that it has good potential .
17 Edinburgh District Council have been consulted and officials from their Planning Department have looked at the route and agreed that it has good potential .
18 The NCCK welcomed the decision and said that it signalled a new era of reconciliation , justice , tolerance and brotherhood .
19 As an analytical philosopher Honderich is keen to explore the logic of Conservatism and to demonstrate that it has none , but at the same time he engages with the history of Conservative ideas .
20 For Cuba , Malmierca characterized the resolution as setting a date for war and said that it violated the UN Charter .
21 I have seen Colonel Steiner 's medical record and note that it 's only been a matter of weeks since he was gravely wounded .
22 b ) You can true up the work in the chuck and ensure that it runs true .
23 Hofmeyr et al demonstrated this pressure surge in a term infant and postulated that it contributes to the development of periventricular and intraventricular haemorrhage in preterm infants .
24 He alleged that he had been the victim of a politically motivated investigation and stated that it remained his intention to seek a 16th term of office in November 1992 .
25 Kaye enjoyed helping the group but found that it eroded her own identity .
26 The proposed closure was confirmed just twenty four hours after British Coal announced the pit was to go into the review procedure and revealed that it 's lost more than six million pounds in the last six months .
27 The closure has been confirmed twenty four hours after British Coal announced the pit was to go into the review procedure and revealed that it 's lost more than six million pounds in the last six months .
28 Would I one day show people this jacket and say that it had been a lovely afternoon in Central Park when he gave it to me and , in closing , would I say that as he disappeared into the trees , I never saw Oscar Wilde again ?
29 Editor , — Zaid P Shehab and Ahmes L Patior describe the papillary lesion of the hard palate in the photograph on the Minerva page as a condyloma acuminatum and imply that it arose as a result of orogenital intercourse .
30 He was appalled at the thought of turning into a pub at five-thirty for a quiet drink and finding that it had been converted into a Poets ' Pub , ‘ reverberating , like an African village , with the roll of ‘ Drake 's Drum . ’ .
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