Example sentences of "[noun sg] [coord] [verb] [adv] for a " in BNC.

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1 Knit two rows and bind off for a round neck or cast off for a V-neck .
2 This planning diary should show , for example , weeks in which certain lecture courses begin or in which certain work assignments are due for presentation ; weeks in which there are social or sporting events ; weeks in which you are free to take a break or to go away for a few days .
3 The first came in 1977–8 against Australia and he began with fifties in his first three innings , only to join the Packer brigade and miss out for a couple of years .
4 Hard to feel sorry for the laird , who would have watched the sweating workers from his window , hands in pockets , listening for the doorbell in case the king changed his mind and dropped in for a scone .
5 ‘ He 'll be delighted to have a break and go off for a pint .
6 You could no longer do the things I 'd taken for granted , like making a cup of tea and sitting down for a gossip when I came in from college .
7 On the first morning I woke up feeling great , like a kid , stretched my arms and thought , Now I 'll have a cup of tea and stroll out for a Then it hit me . "
8 ‘ Why do n't you just get out of this car and come inside for a long cool drink and a long cool swim and admit defeat ? ’
9 Then she went back to her car and sat there for a while .
10 Sometimes he left the food , leaned into the wind and took off for a while , to circle and check that no Men were about .
11 From time to time , taking one to lunch or meeting up for a drink gives you a chance to talk shop and learn about the other 's work and publications .
12 She began plunging the pole down into the pot once more but , feeling suddenly rebellious , she stopped work and went outside for a breath of fresh air .
13 In 1839 Wellington persuaded him to resign from the Duchess of Kent 's household and go abroad for a time .
14 Leave the summit walking south and look out for a shallow gully leading towards a steep grass slope beside a burn and on to Glenlicht House .
15 Hopefully they will not include Bryan Adams ' ‘ ( Everything I Do ) I Do It For You ’ , which grabs the Number One spot in the UK singles chart and remains there for an unprecedented 16 weeks .
16 The young woodlice hatch in this pouch and stay there for a while .
17 She struggled and was nearly countered , but then negated Wu 's defence and slipped in for a one-armed shoulder throw .
18 Turn into a lightly floured board and knead gently for a few minutes .
19 ‘ Adam Reed came on for the last half hour and did well for a 16-year-old . ’
20 Would n't it be a poor thing to have the man close his shop and walk back for a kind of half-hearted snack .
21 Sue filled her mouth with houmus and chewed silently for a moment .
22 SHOULD Selkirk fail to make the grade and drop out for a fourth spell in Division II , they will at least on this occasion descend with honour .
23 Then he suddenly remembered Sophia Ainger 's sister , the rather odd young woman he had met in Bloomsbury that evening and taken out for a drink .
24 I felt that some of those on the bank waiting for the net to come in were wanting a body and wishing hard for a corpse .
25 As soon as it was light , I crept out of the room and went downstairs for a coffee at a nearby café .
26 Having selected your water and turned up for a day 's fishing you then have to decide where the fish will be on the day in question .
27 The Mercedes turned towards the runway and headed straight for a trim white and red plane that stood waiting .
28 An effective history teacher needs to be able to spot the potential of particular pieces of evidence and select carefully for a particular task .
29 Had there been no — and certainly no just-arrived audience — It would have been utterly lovely to have taken the phone and settled down for a chat , to be inspired and encouraged as always by the love you offer your friends and by your own zest for life physical and things spiritual .
30 To put it another way : when the cat is on heat ( which she has n't been since the vet gave her the unkindest cut of all ) , nevertheless when she was , she had very little time for chasing moths hanging unsubtly round the fridge or cuddling up for a neck scratch .
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