Example sentences of "[noun sg] [coord] [noun] [prep] [noun pl] [art] " in BNC.

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1 To help facilitate the distribution of mail and delivery of messages an alphabetical guest list is maintained , usually on a revolving stand located in an area easily accessible to all staff of the reception area .
2 For ease of identification and protection of documents a resealable welded-on Minigrip pocket is integral to each bag .
3 At another compartment a happy wedding party is assembled , and amid merriment and showers of confetti the ‘ happy pair ’ are getting a good send-off .
4 There 's piles of junk and stuff in tins the children should n't touch and stuff like that … ’
5 I saw that you must not only address the real needs of people but need to be genuinely open to new approaches and styles of work if you are ever going to make the rhetoric of involving communities in the planning and assessment of programmes a reality , or ensure active participation in health sector organizations .
6 If companies had to say how many died and were injured in their service each year , it might give the life and death of workers a higher priority .
7 ( c ) Variation and discharge of orders An application to extend , vary or discharge an existing order must be made to the court which made the original order .
8 There are others which express an attitude towards some thing or state of affairs the existence of which is stated , or at least implied , and which therefore also express a belief in its existence .
9 There can be no hard-and-fast rules about how to elicit from a table or group of tables the main points of interest ; it is possible to offer only some general guidelines .
10 One can argue that knowledge is good in itself , and the interest and motivation of students a sufficient justification for access to it .
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