Example sentences of "[noun sg] [coord] [noun] [conj] [verb] his " in BNC.

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1 Odilo is hysterically grateful for any sylvan handful or eyeful or mouthful that comes his way .
2 Ministers of all denominations testify to the fact that renewal and growth began as they met with those in their churches burdened by God to confess their spiritual apathy or impotence and to seek his power to heal their defeated lives and divided churches in order to become the people he intended them to be , not only in the Church , but in the world .
3 Extraordinary embassies of an essentially ceremonial kind , so frequent in the past , involving the sending of a great aristocrat on a mission of congratulation or condolence or to represent his sovereign at a coronation ceremony , were now becoming rare .
4 He demonstrated bacterial variability and adaptability and formulated his lifelong belief that disease-producing organisms had evolved from non-pathogenic ancestors .
5 It is , however , the way he makes a connection between anthropology and linguistics that makes his programme unusual :
6 For example , if one of a group of grazing horses spots what may be a predator , he will raise his head , neck and tail and flare his nostrils .
7 A false , drug-induced vitality coursed through Jaq 's blood and muscles and illuminated his mind harshly , sweeping away fatigue and any remaining perplexity .
8 Saw , too , the tiny flecks and threads of topaz and hazel that made his eyes such a compelling and disturbing feature .
9 No amount of friends and laughter could disguise the loneliness and sadness that dogged his life .
10 He stripped off his scaly shirt and breeches and ran his hand over his armpits and groin .
11 The sooner the potential customer selects a particular product or brand as meeting his or her purchase needs , the more successful has been its marketing .
12 The lovely Sinita glides by like a panther swathed in loin-cloth , boob tube and boots and takes his eyes with her .
13 He was still carrying his mop and broom and wearing his brown overalls .
14 After getting a regular drive in the Brabham team , Piquet grew in confidence and ability and won his first race at Long Beach in 1980 .
15 His captaincy is partly due to his quiet , controlled manner and a confidence and authority that unnerves his opponents — on and off the competition mat .
16 One of the murderers was wearing Mxenge 's jacket and watch and had his wallet .
17 The camp guards had allowed the baby six months ' life and then , when Elisabeth was selected for the officers ' brothel and her breasts required for purposes other than those of nourishing a Jewish infant , a non-commissioned officer , having polished his boots , drawn up the mess accounts , written an affectionate note to his wife and son and relieved his bladder , took Elisabeth Danziger 's baby from her arms and dashed out its brains against the stone wall outside his office .
18 The General wore white tie and tails that accentuated his normal elegance .
19 After a few minutes of this he grew breathless with anger and rage and flurried his wings so much that he was hardly able to lift them any more he was so tired .
20 If any proof were needed to insist that confessors and directors should avoid pressing their penitents into any clearly established scheme but instead should simply wait upon the Lord and watch and assist his working in the individual soul , this diversity among the great masters of the spiritual life should be sufficient .
21 If an individual peasant family was for one reason or another unable to produce its share of tax a peasant might borrow , do additional work as a paid labourer or craftsman or forfeit his land rights to another .
22 He loved the superb art of the Dutch Golden Age , but he wanted to master a different , rougher , Adamistic art , purposely naive , one that satisfied his demands for simplicity and truth and vindicated his distaste for luxury .
23 Barry Kirk , 42 , wears an orange jumpsuit and cape and paints his bald head orange .
24 He loved scandal and intrigue and made his contribution in low , conspiratorial tones .
25 He had lost the diffidence and uncertainty that characterised his early leadership of the party .
26 Despite so much storm and stress in his early life , Gavrilov remains cheerfully outgoing and resilient , relishing the controversy and point-counter-point that surrounds his performances .
27 I would be an 18 stone , alcoholic bricklayer playing for Penicuik Athletic , ’ says Goram with the mixture of candour and humour that characterises his conversation .
28 It was as if , the weeks of turmoil and uncertainty that followed his father 's death having turned into months , the tumultuous turn of events had proved too much for a youth of his years .
29 In answer to charge 4 that he had treated Royan without taking a proper history or examination or consulting his general practitioner , Dr Mumby said he took the clinical history in the form of a questionnaire which patients filled out in advance but he rarely examined patients because they had usually been examined many times elsewhere and because taking a history by questionnaire was an established technique of clinical ecology .
30 Not to be bound by manmade laws of rank or fortune or education but to show His true glory in reaching out for everything we feel will reveal His variety and greatness .
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