Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun prp] [noun] [noun sg] [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 We have enclosed a Club Europe Drive brochure to provide you with full details .
2 South Devon Healthcare Trust say it was a sudden and motiveless attack and they 've launched a full inquiry .
3 In an attempt to defuse the controversy , they 've asked Third Reich expert Professor Norman Stone to help him .
4 They will conclude , as people on a South London council estate expressed it when they observed the middle-class congregation going into their local church each Sunday , ‘ That church is n't for the likes of us . ’
5 Has the Minister any plans to assist the West Yorkshire police authority to enable it to bring its police forces up to the required standard ?
6 This state of the art Vivienne Westwood corset says it all .
7 Somewhat late in the day BBC Programme Planning decided it was unhappy with new seasons of Doctor Who opening around early November .
8 For bookings received less than 7 days prior to departure Amsterdam Travel Service offers you a special ‘ Priority Booking Service ’ .
9 Earlier this week Burton Property Trust confirmed it was close to finalising an agreement with a prospective tenant for a 3,000 sq ft unit .
10 But bosses at the North Staffordshire Hospital Centre reinstated her , saying : ‘ No one person can be considered accountable . ’
11 West Oxfordshire district council says it ca n't house the women .
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