Example sentences of "[noun sg] [vb base] been [verb] [to-vb] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Over the last decade or so , new types of financial instrument have been developed to help businesses manage the risks from fluctuations in interest and exchange rates .
2 The questions at the end of each chapter have been designed to assist students to test that the reading has been understood before moving on to the next chapter .
3 The problems for discussion and solving have been designed to encourage students to discuss the issues before attempting to answer the technical side of the problem .
4 It is often difficult to assess the colour vision of mammals , and some which were thought to see in monochrome have been shown to have sensitivity to colour .
5 A User Group and a Quality Assurance and Verification committee have been established to obtain feedback on the operation of the new programmes and to make recommendations on their implementation .
6 Meanwhile , biophysicist Professor H. Ti Trien and his team have been trying to mimic photosynthesis , in particular the charge separation step .
7 Geophysical surveys resulting from the initiative have been made to study saltern mounds on the Lincolnshire coast ( for Lindsey Archaeological Services and English Heritage ) ; to delineate terrace gravels near the Trent containing evidence of Roman settlement ( Trent and Peak Archaeological Trust and Steetly Products Ltd ) ; and to define the extent of a deserted medieval village under threat from road improvements ( Leicestershire County Council ) .
8 Other species of bat have been found to exploit insects attracted by street lights , for example , in Israel ( see BBC WILDLIFE , March 1990 , p 144 ) .
9 The disposition of the rooms and the hang within each room have been rethought to take account of modern preoccupations : the national Schools of painting now relate to each other as do the countries on the map of Europe , with France situated between Italy and Spain and Holland .
10 ‘ But — how could an English doctor and his wife have been exposed to nerve gas ? ’
11 Activity in giant cells in the pontine brainstem have been shown to precede eye movements in REM sleep in animals ( or paradoxical sleep , as it is called in rodents and cats ) while there is no evidence that cortical activity can influence these cells ' discharges .
12 THE Prodigy have been forced to scrap £50,000-worth of gigs because their P.A. system is too loud .
13 Now British Gas have been forced to scrap plans to pull down the 110-year-old hulk .
14 First , foreign earnings from copper have been used to purchase shortfalls in indigenous production .
15 INMATES of Risley remand centre have been invited to take part in the first recycling scheme of its kind in the country .
16 ( Marantaceae ) , where cycles of dryness have been invoked to explain species relationships and distributions .
17 Many features of the pelvis have been stated to show sex differences , but only those which are particularly important and can be described easily are mentioned here .
18 For the last two years the public have been asked to nominate winners for the Korn/Ferry prize but this year it will be decided by a judging panel alone .
19 Substances with high osmolarity have been found to inhibit acid secretion .
20 The first two of these patients were advised to undergo cholecystectomy which was done two and 10 weeks later and the remainder have been followed to determine outcome .
21 Gates or pens for pedestrian access and ‘ slot and bar ’ for cyclist have been installed to limit access to the intended users and keep out motor cyclists , cars and other unauthorised motor vehicles .
22 The three agencies involved in the pitch have been asked to present options before a final strategy is adopted .
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