Example sentences of "[noun sg] [det] of they have [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 I was the first British person most of them had met and they see me as a bridge to the outside world , ’ she said .
2 She was aware of a past neither of them had spoken of much — at least , not while she 'd been there .
3 The only message some of them had had time to give their children as the social workers took them to waiting cars was ‘ have faith , be strong , we 'll do what we can ’ .
4 It is clear that in the past many of them have considered loyalty to be a two-way process , a contract or covenant , and that the state could be a traitorous party as well as the people .
5 Ever since their arrival most of them had felt out of their depth among these magnificent , well-fed strangers , with their detached manners , their shapes on the wall , their elegance , their adroit evasion of almost all questions — above all , their fits of un-rabbit-like melancholy .
6 During the month after her father 's death each of them had discovered the need to explore hitherto suppressed areas of feeling and half-knowledge that stood between them and a clearer knowledge of the selves they were now fully determined to offer to each other .
7 We would teach the electronics necessary to devise the tests and how it worked and things like that , and sure enough by the end of the time some of them had built devices , well all sorts of devices .
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