Example sentences of "[noun sg] [adv] and do [not/n't] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 However , this will be seen as a minimum protection only and does not extend to the underlying liabilities of the target .
2 They missed his knack of threading the play together and did n't produce their usual rhythm .
3 The calculations and specimen disclosures shown as illustrations [ … . ] are for general guidance only and do not form part of the [ draft ] FRS .
4 Er I I us I used to go by half past five , have my tea early and did n't come out till about nine o'clock .
5 Patrick had the measure of the car now and did not hesitate to impose the authority of the Jaguar on other road users .
6 She said nothing , but she met his gaze fully and did not veil her own .
7 ‘ Then other men came and other eagles , and seeing the Stones they were at peace there and did not harm each other . ’
8 She was warming to her theme now and did not notice the puzzled expressions flickering across one or two faces and questioning looks being exchanged .
9 Fone , who is on bail , sat at the side of the court yesterday and did not enter the dock .
10 She says he was still up at quarter past and did n't get up for work until seven this morning , that 's what he said in note anyway , summat about he did n't fetch her a cup of tea up this morning cos he did n't get up till seven .
11 She was well on review a month later and did not have any residual motor or sensory signs .
12 He comforted himself that his wife , being foreign , had just repeated the phrase parrot-fashion and did n't mean by it what he would have meant .
13 I 'm probably not compassionate or anything , I bet I 'm a real bastard inside and do n't care for anyone , but I fucking hated treading up those stairs to Mum , especially with Jean at the bottom watching my every step .
14 If you like your music loud and do n't want to turn the volume down , the next best thing is to line the party wall with fibrous acoustic tiles .
15 He saw an unknown reporter alone and did not check the copy .
16 The floor , very gradually , became a proper floor again and did n't show any further ambitions to become a wall .
17 For its part , the trial does not test factual accuracy alone and does not test it by the same method as that employed by the police in their own investigation .
18 The Court of Appeal required the council to give such an undertaking , as a condition of the grant of an injunction , first because , as Dillon and Mann L.JJ. held , in English law the discretion to dispense with such an undertaking in cases where an injunction is sought to restrain an infringement of the criminal law is available only to give effect to a privilege of the Crown alone and does not extend to local authorities exercising the function of law enforcement ; and second because under Community law an undertaking must be given were necessary to protect any Community law right of direct effect which might possibly be affected .
19 She is a teacher and has managed to get out of school early and does not tell us why she has left .
20 Furthermore , the manual is concerned with matters of design alone and does not address the benefits that might arise from legal changes — because it can not .
21 Application Apply bronzer evenly and do n't go over the same area twice or you will end up with streaks .
22 And big brother 's got his own wife and family now and does n't want little brother around any more .
23 Experts now solve the problem by placing them in a separate order which , they believe , branched off a very long time ago and did not lead to more advanced forms .
24 They retain heat well and do not spoil rapidly .
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