Example sentences of "[noun sg] [adv] that you could [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Alternatively , you could make the screens or shutters easily detachable and have one surface painted or covered in fabric so that you could ring the changes when you felt like it or have different ones for summer and winter .
2 The refrigerator was easy , you just opened the door and put food in it until it looked like an igloo inside , and then a pair of hands which might or might not be your own came along and cleared out the ice so that you could use it again .
3 ‘ You said you wanted to meet my fiancée so that you could judge her for yourself .
4 The kettlepan was erm a sauce- a thing like a saucepan with a a kettle that fitted on to the top so that you could boil your vegetables in the saucepan and boil the kettle at the same time .
5 I think that generally they came in because they liked the style erm they , they , usually had er , in their minds what they wanted and because they go round and see all these fittings at night , I mean our shop used to be all the fittings were lit up at night so that you could have a look in , erm it 's very confusing I think when you , you 've got an awful lot of fittings in , in , in a shop and , and all of them lit , decide which one 's gon na to be the best for your house , but I think most of them already had ideas what , what sort of fitting they wanted and of course we used to do a great deal of
6 If there was a swell on the east side where the the grating but there was also a gully landing which you get into the gully but it had to be a very fine day to get into the gully and there was a derrick there er you could a crane there that you could take everything out of the boat but it had to be a very fine day to get into the gully .
7 ‘ When you needed an extra pair of hands in a hurry so that you could get on with a job , Roger was always the first to drop what he was doing and help you . ’
8 Right next part of section one , did you collect the information by the deadline which means were you able to complete it in your form time with your form tutor and bring it to the lesson so that you could start on the s on the graph .
9 When I think of me days of pain and sufferin' here , and how I 've kept cheerful and 'elpful so as not to be a burden , as well as givin' you the benefit of me company so that you could 'ave someone to talk to , well , it 's a shock to me to find you lazin' about with a gypsy woman on your lap .
10 There was no way really that you could 've avoided coming into contact with it anyway at my age on the estate .
11 I am distraught to learn of the demise of your mother and shut my ears to the ugly rumour that you had her put to death so that you could take up ballet-dancing .
12 Answer guide : Here you would need the information contained in the projections which provide the profit target so that you could attempt to improve on the profit either by increasing sales , or adjusting the staffing of your outlet to reduce the costs and thereby increase the profit .
13 I want to thank Mum and Dad for throwing this lovely party so that you could meet Annabelle and her family ( or Steven and his family ) .
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