Example sentences of "[noun sg] [adv] [that] [pers pn] be [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 With the provoking incident of the previous week still fresh in his mind , Lefevre had taken the precaution of hiring a cab in advance of any possible need , telling the driver half-truthfully that he was waiting for someone .
2 Ideally , you should adjust your eating so that you are meeting your aims for goal weights or are at least 2 to 3 lb ( 1 kg ) within your goal weight for any particular week .
3 ‘ Playing against a side at the top of their form and peak of their confidence ought to help this Welsh side now that they 're playing with commitment and determination .
4 Lamarr Dean stood with his side against the bar so that he was facing the first Apache .
5 Higher , higher rate , rate , well you do n't start to pay that until you 've exceeded the twenty three thousand seven hundred plus your personal allowance , so y you your basic rate of tax goes to twenty three seven hundred then you can add , add on your basic allowance , and for most people if they 're earning er a single person twenty seven and a half and married person twenty eight and a half above that you 're paying higher rate tax .
6 ‘ But there is no question now that he is maturing .
7 Er erm I 'm sorry it is the question now that I 'm going to come to was going back to organisation how often does the board meet ? and who does it regard as ?
8 The drag of the loaded inflatable had slowed the catamaran so that they were making a bare five knots .
9 His mind had become detached from his body so that he was watching himself .
10 Place your right hand behind your back so that it is resting on your left hip .
11 Hello there man , of course I 'm awake , I 'm eating my tea , ha you 're wrong , Russell 's organizing his night so that he 's gon na pick you up half eight quarter to nine okay well I , I ai n't had a shower or anything yet , I mean er everything 's organized I organized it all for picking you up eight quarter to nine , bless you , what 's your number ?
12 A garage owner , Colin Forbes , 45 , from Aultbea , told the trial at Dingwall Sheriff Court yesterday that he was driving his lorry through Poolewe at about 10:45pm on 13 July when he saw Ballantine 's Volvo come up behind him .
13 Mr Major said : ‘ I think that is the clearest possible sign yet that we are winning the battle against inflation . ’
14 It 's in the case of how we police students that the question about where we draw the line and how far we become engaged are most problematic , I think , and it 's in that case really that I 'm proposing this distinction .
15 Asked for his thoughts on armed struggle now that he was voting , Mr Nujoma said : ‘ The colonialists imposed the war on us .
16 So I am pleading that the panel really take a great deal of effort in this leaflet so that it is going to be easily understood by even the people who are less well educated than some of us .
17 I had to go upstairs to tell the woman above that I was using the bathroom , because if she walked about above , the plaster fell off .
18 And he does need an assistant now that we 're having regular clinics . ’
19 It had been announced only a month ago that she was expecting her first child and would probably be leaving after the spring term .
20 And , while she was suddenly a little mesmerised to see a return of that charm , ‘ You mentioned to my secretary yesterday that you were hoping to see something of my country , ’ he reminded her .
21 He felt them tauten against his palms and suddenly she slid her body over his right knee so that she was lying against him , between his legs .
22 Anyway , I had built her up at the front end so that she was standing with her fore feet on a half door and had given her a strong oily purgative .
23 We 've covered a lot tonight that I was saying
24 the only thing again that I 'm thinking of what if we gets them out of the caravan and we gets them into the car and we 're getting them in and out here and then we gets them back into the car to take them back over and in to the caravan , what if we rip the bloody things ?
25 First pivot the mortar so that it is pointing in the direction you wish to fire .
26 As he spoke , he changed his position so that he was standing on a ledge with his shoulders and forearms resting on a parapet .
27 rotates a vector so that it 's pointing in completely the opposite
28 No one can be in any doubt now that she was pulling the strings behind the royal side show that has preoccupied Britain for the past six months .
29 So you have your group sitting round and you say , this is our problem now that we 're going to actually home in on .
30 When the Minister made it clear a little more than a year ago that he was changing his attitude towards the Government of Syria , he said that he was able to do so because there was no known connection with terrorist organisations , such as that involving the appalling man , Jibril .
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