Example sentences of "[noun sg] [adv] [vb pp] [adv prt] to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The only disappointment for the Sunderland fans was that the team did not come out to be saluted after their 1–0 victory as happened when the 1973 side also won through to Wembley at Hillsborough .
2 The delegation then moved on to South Cleveland Hospital .
3 The director duly reported back to base camp that Douglas had rejected every concession he had made in order to get him to accept the part .
4 As other members of the pride moved in to share the meal , the remaining zebras in the herd at first startled by the drama quickly settled back to grazing .
5 Her mother 's friends , Lizzie Braithwaite and Maria Colclough and Ethel Lord were incensed by it , having used the act of sex all their wedded lives as something to bargain with , employing their very contempt for it as a punishment regularly meted out to husbands who lusted after the nasty performance far too much .
6 Earnings per share only edged up to 4.82p , from 4.77p , but a final dividend of 3.4p ( 3.3p ) lifts the total from 4.8p to 4.9p .
7 A simple leaflet routinely given out to patients before admission to hospital for common , straightforward operations , explaining the operation they are to undergo , common after-effects , the discomfort and temporary impairment of function likely to be experienced , and so on , may prove to be helpful in the sense of increasing feelings of control and might well aid their recovery .
8 Cross second field diagonally left up to stile at corner of Badby Wood ( b ) .
9 ‘ We have a tail already locked on to Tweed .
10 Karajan 's return to music-making and recording in 1946–7 was brought about with the help of Legge and , at much the same time , the great Italian conductor Victor de Sabata , another man totally given over to music but whom the whirligig of public opinion had rightly exonerated despite extensive war work in both Italy and Germany in front of audiences of all manner of political persuasions .
11 The witch-hunt then moved on to try to unseat the editor of Borba and it is clearly the intention of the Serbian nationalists , who have seized control of the Serbian Party , that they should control all newspapers and journals published in Belgrade , even if they are federal organs such as Borba .
12 Nature has reclaimed much of the land once given over to industry
13 Although the officers of these contrasting units might be held responsible for both the good and the bad behaviour , there is a touch of the ‘ kind ’ and the ‘ nasty ’ treatment often meted out to prisoners in the hope of gaining information .
14 The most extreme example of this was in the surgical treatment sometimes meted out to women .
15 But , no matter how much Steven made his camera swoop and glide and giddy-up around the sets , he could n't stop them from looking like boring old panto scenery , especially since the galleon never put out to sea ( which would have been too mega-expensive ) , and the Lost Boys ' camp was crammed full of Starlight Express -style skate-boarding tracks .
16 The user currently logged on to LIFESPAN via PI is not an assessor of the DC , therefore access is denied .
17 The user currently logged on to LIFESPAN via PI is not the associated user of the DCs listed , therefore they can not be activated via the package .
18 The user currently logged on to LIFESPAN via PI is not the associated user of the DC , therefore access is denied .
19 This transformation was usually accompanied by the enlargement of the area of jurisdiction of the kadilik through the addition of other districts in the vicinity : Konya , for example , was made a mevleviyet in 977/1569 " with the addition of certain sub-districts ' and the appointee later moved on to Maras , the kadilik of which was made a mevleviyet with the addition of Elbistan ; and Selanik , as mentioned above , was made a mevleviyet with the addition of Sidrekapsi .
20 Wolfgang and his mother obediently moved on to Augsburg , where Wolfgang gave a concert , visited the well-known manufacturer of fortepianos , Herr Stein , and tried out some of his instruments .
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