Example sentences of "[noun sg] [adv] [vb past] with [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Phizacklea and Miles show some sensitivity to the contradictory nature of working-class consciousness and emphasize that in a number of workers high levels of class consciousness nevertheless coexisted with considerable hostility towards local blacks .
2 The Community Programme also met with some suspicion when it was first introduced by the MSC in the early 1980s but it proved to be a boon for many bureaux to expand their services and broaden their workforce .
3 The applicant also appealed with special leave from the judgment of Barnett J.
4 The numbers of missing and of discrepant entries were correlated ( r=0.42 , p<0.05 ) , and both of these were also correlated with variability in peak expiratory flow ; this variability also correlated with missing data .
5 When Pugh closed the gap with his second penalty , the North Midlands ' response soon followed with another try from Moon .
6 A testator would not set out to establish a trust , or to confirm his will in trust form , hoping that in details his intention would take precedence over his words : the civil law already coped with these problems , and the law of trusts was able to follow rather than lead .
7 The Wilson committee largely concurred with these views , and pointed out the specific problems of small firms in raising long term finance , whether loan or equity .
8 A merciful amnesia usually came with these comas and who could deny it was a blessing ?
9 The story count is high — page three of the winning issue positively buzzed with 11 stories , and eight were crammed on to the back , which is as it should be in a conglomerate all about communication .
10 This was quickly removed and the conservatory completely redecorated with stained-glass doors added leading into the main hallway .
11 His quick eye also registered with some interest that not one of the ladies present , as far as he could judge , belonged to his mother 's circle .
12 Co-investigator is second cousin Paul Williams , 31 , a taxi driver also married with two children .
13 A soldier appeared in court yesterday charged with two sex offences .
14 An 18-year-old man of no fixed abode appeared at Teesside magistrates court yesterday charged with aggravated burglary in connection with an incident involving a 58-year-old woman in her home in North Ormesby on Thursday .
15 When the fungus is finished with its host , large club-shaped fruiting structures punch out through the insect 's exoskeleton , leaving the lifeless husk grotesquely studded with bizarre outgrowths .
16 They were exactly characteristic of the era of ‘ modernization ’ ( I am grateful to Tim Blackman , 1987 , for this usage ) in which the leadership of the local Labour and Trade Union movement actively collaborated with regional capital , regional representatives of trans-national capital and the central state in promoting a series of strategies designed to facilitate the operations of trans-national capital , while simultaneously providing jobs and improving the environment .
17 The manor house in Hampshire had long since passed from the family , the fortune was diminished ; but Sir Hugo 's long and melancholy face framed by a collar of exquisite lace still stared with arrogant condescension at the passing crowd , the definitive seventeenth-century Royalist gentleman .
18 Northern Ireland 's World Cup downfall really started with that opening match against the Lithuanians at Windsor Park in April ‘ 92 when , after being two goals ahead , they went walkabout and Lithuania hit back to draw .
19 Mercifully , ideas of this kind never met with much support , and finally , in 1932 , the controlling body of world astronomy , the International Astronomical Union , lost patience .
20 So is this brochure necessary ; is n't the ceramic market already over-bombarded with technical literature ; why should Matroc add more ?
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