Example sentences of "[noun sg] [adv] [adv] [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 A component somewhere deep inside the motorspeeder chose that moment to explode from stress .
2 FOR YEARS , SOME FRIENDS AND I HAD A HABIT OF HIRING A COTTAGE somewhere deep in the Highlands at New Year .
3 ‘ You have to learn to think your way around a golf course much more as a pro , ’ he says .
4 African independence , when they thought of it at all , seemed an eventuality so far into the future as to possess no relevance to their working lives .
5 He had played his part so well throughout the day , holding her hand as they had strolled along the beach , looking into her eyes in that way that made her bones melt .
6 Perhaps they had been in the Rorim long enough for the animals to become used to each other .
7 Antiques they may be , but one good reason for choosing a record deck so late in the day is that , unlike CD , the technology is tried and tested and not susceptible to the great leap forward , leaving you with an obsolete model .
8 There has been no credible claim of responsibility so far for the blasts , many of which were caused by car bombs not previously used in India .
9 We must also try to direct support much more to the specialist producers of high-quality British beef .
10 Well , there 's been no response so far to the appeal in the French press for Madame V to come forward .
11 Even though it had detailed knowledge of the flight 's route so soon after the event , the US government dismissed its claim out of hand hours later , and never explained why .
12 We sat companionably enough , each ruminating on the nature of existence so early in the morning and contemplating the day 's activity , although Bernard obviously had opinions on that as well , judging by his expression .
13 Questions poured towards the chair , and Mrs Murphy banged her gavel so hard on the coffee table that it left a mark , which distressed her so much that she forgot for a moment why she was hammering and stared sadly at the dent in the wood .
14 The well-established agricultural divisions of the county were reinforced by medieval practices , but perhaps the greatest contribution to Sussex life was the extension of settlement much deeper into the Weald , the piecemeal annual clearings going much farther than before .
15 We have only dealt with a parametrised objective function so far in the section .
16 An experienced publicist would go for a colour piece somewhere instead of the cover , but we were instructed to only go for cover pieces , so we ended up getting them of course , and we ended up creating this whole myth around him which was fabulous .
17 The luckless eight-year-old hit the fence so close to the ground that at least a somersault was inevitable .
18 It is no longer possible to either create a toner particle small enough to stick to a single pixel of charge or to maintain that pixel of charge in isolation long enough for the toner , were it there , to stick .
19 Tongue coated , bad taste in the mouth especially early in the morning .
20 Angelica now knew why Alina had disappeared from the terrace so promptly on the day that Walter Hardy had hooked out the dead dog .
21 Then apply heat with a blowlamp , playing the flame gently all round the fitting and adjacent pipe — use a protective mat if working near wooden floorboards which could catch fire .
22 One problem with setting the neck so deep into the body is that relatively little space is left for pickup separation .
23 But er not that notwithstanding there are er a couple or three thousand spectators here at Lane , we 'll get the official figure much later in the evening .
24 Despite his later expressed views about the distastefulness of holding the ceremony so close to the death of the Reverend King , and his saying that ‘ movies are n't made for tuxedos ’ , Dustin , in hired white tie and tails , was there to present the best cinematography award with Katharine Ross .
25 It was also noted that patients reported an improvement in their mood if they were woken early or deprived of sleep and so , presumably , exposed to daylight much earlier in the day .
26 Stella seemed unimpressed at being given a rule so early in the season .
27 Given my concentration so far on the possession/separation issue , and its relation to the circulation process , and given my earlier insistence that economic class relations at the level of possession/separation can not be conceived as the underlying ‘ essence ’ of social and political collectivities and movements , which demand analysis in their own right , I am not yet in a position to draw full ‘ political conclusions ’ ( the following chapters will take us some way further in this direction ) .
28 Education is probably the best form of conservation because public opinion influences politicians , as is exemplified by the environmental debates of the late 1980s that figure so prominently in the media .
29 Thus the research so far on the origin of parish churches leads us to suspect that a lot of early churches disappeared in the reforms and rationalisations of the early Middle Ages .
30 But he was still covering the door and-to move his seat apparently just for the sake of moving would seem suspicious — and it occurred to him that Washington DC would be full of people who knew the surveillance trade that tonight a lot of people would be running genuine surveillances .
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