Example sentences of "[noun sg] [adv] [adv] that she [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Phoebe loathed housekeeping so profoundly that she felt guilty about it and always did it with a disciplined and joyless rigour , expecting everyone else to do so too .
2 Sighing , she pulled on socks and sweater , then knotted the scarf at her throat and secured one of the ends to her sweater with the silver lioness brooch so automatically that she paused , eyeing herself in the mirror .
3 Roman 's cool , unexpected summons made her jump so violently that she spilled some champagne down the front of her dress .
4 Then she saw the man 's face through the open mouth and immediately turned her head away so that she appeared to be looking at something of consuming interest outside the window .
5 She disliked the wretched man so intensely that she did n't care if she never had to see him again .
6 The new mother will often throw herself into motherhood so fully that she forgets to give time to the marital relationship , which can suffer considerable damage as a result .
7 The former is of interest only in that she happens to be married to the gorgeous Richard Gere , who not only has ten times her talent but ten times her looks ( do people really find that hideous mole of hers attractive ? ) .
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