Example sentences of "[noun sg] [adv] [adv] [that] [pron] have " in BNC.

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1 Indeed , he took his responsibility so seriously that he had to be dissuaded from resignation .
2 The voice always seemed to come from the shadows or from somewhere just aside from where he was looking ; and usually the words did n't make any sense , and they passed through his mind so quickly that they 'd gone before he could reach for them .
3 Despite anecdotal reports of serious bugs in Microsoft Corp 's new MS-DOS 6.0 , PC Week Labs says it has been unable to reproduce in a controlled laboratory environment any of the data-threatening errors specifically attributed to MS-DOS 6.0 or its DoubleSpace component , adding that it believes that many of the reported data-destroying errors can be attributed to the sudden introduction of SMARTDRV , the MS-DOS and Windows cache program , onto previously uncached systems — SMARTDRV caches disk writes , and any sudden power-down can cause unrecoverable file and disk errors — but be that as it may , Microsoft is taking the reports of data loss sufficiently seriously that it has pledged to do whatever it takes to track down and purge any serious flaws , although it has found none , and InfoWorld reported it found several problems , including one in the DoubleSpace data compression — but Microsoft said two of its engineers looked into but could not replicate the problems InfoWorld saw .
4 For fear of losing one or two sales of its obsolete mainframes , IBM designed the RT so badly that it had to junk the machine completely and start again from scratch to create the ( incompatible ) RS/6000 .
5 We also need to reassure the horse shortly afterwards that it has not lost our affection , otherwise it would lose confidence in us .
6 It seemed to me richer and stranger than the pearls themselves had ever been — and richer and stranger still now that they had gone .
7 In pharmaceuticals , firms can use the power of their technological oligopoly so blatantly that there has been a policy reaction by many governments .
8 They wo n't give me a minute 's peace tomorrow now that you 've been to the centre . ’
9 ‘ If Neil decides to go it is very important that the Labour Party shows that it can arrive in agreement on a new leader quickly so that he has a summer in which to establish his authority . ’
10 This was purely business , and for all the jolly camaraderie Kate was aware that most of the men she 'd met this evening had grave reservations about her ability to do her job well now that they 'd seen her .
11 The only thing that I said was erm that Tony told us that you keep your game tonight so that you 've got a friend any time you want .
12 On 19 June 1841 the spire of St Michael 's was struck by lightning so severely that it had to be taken down and rebuilt at a cost of £84 , paid for by the Buxtons .
13 I think she undoubtedly added to the intrigue erm and difficulties of her court , erm one example , she was always getting people that she approved of , getting them plum jobs , and one example was one of the governors of Oxford , the most unpopular , one Sir Arthur Aston , who was so unpopular that he got attacked on the street , and then had to have a body guard paid for the city council , and then was curvetting on his horse in front of some ladies , and fell off and broke his leg so badly that he had to have it amputated , so from then on he had a wooden leg , erm that meant he had to stop being governor , and later on in the war , a countryman was coming into Oxford , and asked the sentinel ‘ who was governor still ’ , and by that time a friend of prince Rupert 's Sir William Leg was governor , and the answer was ‘ one Leg ’ , and the countryman 's reply was ‘ pox on him , is he governor still ? ’ .
14 ‘ It 's a little bit easier now that I have nothing to lose , ’ he said .
15 Only a few months ago , after this Lord Henry Percy had withdrawn to his other urgent command on the Scottish borders , Owen had run wild over most of North Wales , and made himself master of the counties of Carnarvon and Merioneth ; and while the woollier heads in King Henry 's council had seethed and talked bloody war , Hotspur had come swooping back to hold the balance so sturdily that he had been allowed , on the king 's warrant , to approach the Welsh prince , and attempt to bring him back to his allegiance , on promise of honourable terms .
16 Reaching Herr 's headquarters at Dugny , Serrigny recalls he ‘ had the impression very clearly that we had entered a lunatic asylum .
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