Example sentences of "[noun sg] [adv] [adv] [subord] [pers pn] [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 Erm do you believe if , if we erm oh I think we 've already covered that bit right so if I put erm come up with a erm a recommendation that would provide erm an income for your wife in the event of your death erm is there any reason why we ca n't look at this ?
2 Independent soft-commission brokers regard it as an acceptable method of payment so long as they deal at the best price .
3 Jesus challenged the Jews of his day with a searching question : ‘ How can you have faith so long as you receive honour from one another , and care nothing for the honour that comes from him who alone is God ? ’
4 So it 's two pound anyway so if you 've got four quid spare between us .
5 With pots you can change the effect as often as you like .
6 ‘ Chest pain , sudden onset as far as I know , collapse — she 's now arrhythmic , possibly fibrillating . ’
7 Go to the lavatory as often as you need to , do n't try to ‘ hold it in ’ .
8 I 'm in the dark here obviously because I have n't I have n't had access to this particular case .
9 McGilligan 's views will meet with general approval and reflect the mood in the Derry camp just now as they prepare to meet Dublin on Sunday week .
10 This is regarded as a Good Thing by Orcs who are universally content with their lot , being ultimately happy to meet their end in battle so long as they get a chance of a good fight .
11 Disseminators of " indecent " material which lacks the potency to corrupt are generally within the law so long as they do not despatch it by post , or seek to import it from overseas , or flaunt it openly in public places .
12 The , the bright city lights that 's not what makes people uproot their , uproot their lives and go and move somewhere else , they are after economic betterment and that 's the driving force er behind migration so just before we leave the non economic factors what might they be ?
13 He believed as Lionel Curtis did that Indians ' souls had to be renovated before they were fit to govern : he deeply shocked the American journalist William Shirer by announcing that ‘ Self-government … is inconceivable and unattainable without the removal of untouchability , as it also is without Hindu-Moslem unity … we shall be unfit to gain independence so long as we keep in bondage a fifth of the population of Hindustan . ’
14 We shall discuss this issue further below after we have examined the nature of the ECJ 's reasoning .
15 If you just stand around waiting for the enemy to come to you then of course your ladz will get bored , and naturally they 'll start to get a bit fractious , then inevitably they 'll end up failing an Animosity test probably just when you do n't want them to .
16 You must think yourselves lucky to be able to go to Thrush Green as often as you do . ’
17 Is it that they do not exert themselves enough ( we know that the English work as quickly as they work well ) ?
18 The BBC believe that no one does sport as well as they do — and they may be right .
19 Down the pub as often as you want with all the fellers — ’
20 Erm certainly on the rescue tenders , erm erm on , on each division would have that equipment , it 's not carried on every fire engine as far as I know now , erm I , I do n't see why it should n't but er again I think it 's a matter of cost , and , and carrying it about as well and finding the space for it , but certainly it 's at hand when it 's needed .
21 WAITERS dash to and fro replenishing baskets of crusty bread as often as you like — a sure sign of a good French brasserie .
22 I 'm actually concerned that if we , did anybody know about this issue earlier on because I think this has been going on for quite some time erm probably over the last two years and if anyone did know then why did n't they address it before and if anyone did n't know , why not ?
23 It pays to read each question very carefully before you begin your answer .
24 People can handle change more effectively if they keep one thing constant rather than allowing everything to change .
25 ‘ We know we have to reduce consumption but we 're going to get change more quickly if we do it step-by-step .
26 ‘ I would suggest that you think a bit more carefully before you decide to commit yourself to another long-term relationship . ’
27 We do n't just aim to offer you the lowest possible prices ; we also take great pride in the high standard of service you are given from when you make your booking right through until you arrive home again .
28 You will get perfectly acceptable results from a WYSIWYG package so long as you work within the constraints the software imposes but this now becomes a design problem rather than a technological one .
29 For the social sciences have more to gain from each other than they have to lose , and the precise origin and pedigree of new findings and theories is of little importance so long as they extend and expand our understanding of the world .
30 That 's none of my business so long as I do n't have to break any laws .
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