Example sentences of "[noun sg] [adv] [adv] [conj] [vb past] [art] " in BNC.

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1 He put his hand to the switch just inside and turned the light on .
2 Reacting instantly , Curtis jerked the wheel hard over and sideswiped the other car , at the same time jerking his foot from the gas pedal .
3 When the car bumped out on to the tarmac he swung the wheel hard across and turned the car around to face towards his chosen village .
4 She looked over to the window once more and heard the rain driving against the glass .
5 One of those interested in the opportunities for détente was Winston Churchill who was British premier once more and became the first major European statesman to advocate a relaxation of tensions with Russia .
6 Salvage experts extinguished a fire on an Iranian oil tanker early yesterday and stemmed a leak that had caused a 30-mile oil slick 100 miles off Morocco , a maritime official said .
7 But Richard turned his head even further and looked the other way .
8 Even the black goat and the white cock sacrificed in our hull for a safe and speedy passage now began to haunt us every bit as solemnly as did the ghosts of our investors in London .
9 He crossed to the drinks cabinet once more and tipped the bottle .
10 In the end they failed , but during their period of dominance they entered the sugar trade very successfully and persuaded the English in the West Indies to grow sugar to take the place of tobacco ; at first they thought they could absorb the English islands into the Amsterdam trading system , but while it quite soon turned out that this was not the case and direct Dutch influence did not last very long , the commitment to sugar dominated the islands for at least two hundred years and remained important long afterwards .
11 No group in society , however , symbolized the alienation of key institutions from the government more clearly than did the university teachers .
12 He looked up at the mirror once more and saw the car behind him , keeping the same distance , the rain spurting fanwise from its front wheels .
13 Mick disapproved of Memet as strongly as did the rest of her family , but Memet either did n't know or did n't care .
14 Students said police entered the campus around 3am and arrested the left-wing president of their representative council , Arthur Mutambara , and the general secretary , Enoch Chikweche .
15 The T'ang looked up from his glass almost distractedly and gave a soft laugh .
16 She began to disconnect the cannula rather fussily and put a band-aid on Belinda 's slightly bruised arm as Tom stepped back .
17 It was a wonder they had not all mauled each other to death long ago and left the damp , chilly coastline unpeopled except for howling birds .
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