Example sentences of "[noun sg] [pers pn] has [be] [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In Prague 's second spring it has been superseded by the hustle and bustle of an emerging democracy — a society full of the good , the bad and the ugly .
2 As a result he has been threatened with libel action and even physical violence .
3 In this study it has been shown by two independent methods that histamine increases the in vitro proliferation of the two gastric tumour cells ; MKN45 and MKN45G but not the two colorectal lines ; C170 and LoVo .
4 Although this requirement was directly applicable only to federal agencies or projects requiring federal licences , in practice it has been extended to all major schemes of industrial expansion and new construction .
5 A. fragilis has been found on both sides of the Atlantic : in the west it has been recorded off Martha 's Vineyard north to the Davis Strait and W. Greenland at depths of 430–2640 m ; in the eastern side it has been recorded from the Faeroe Channel in 750 m .
6 He does n't know how to go about the work he has been put in charge of , and yet the successful solution of this case will be a great coup for him , politically .
7 As he knows , as that matter is quasi-judicial , under planning law it has been left to my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State .
8 During the last century or so the Lane 's territory has been stolen by Station Road and Hopetown Lane , although in manner of compensation it has been up-graded to a road .
9 The question is , if he has subsequently borrowed more from the testator , up to what point he has been released from his debts .
10 6 The question of detriment It has been suggested in some cases ( see eg Coco v Clark ( AN ) ( Engineers ) Ltd [ 1969 ] RPC 41 ) that an obligation of confidence will not be enforced unless the disclosure or use of the information results in a detriment to the plaintiff or an advantage to his competitors .
11 Silva , who went on to make a 30-footer for an eagle at the second , insists that the confidence he has been given by Mansell 's support has counted for as much , if not more , than the money .
12 The only bookcase he has is stacked with video tapes whose titles I do not read .
13 George Hann says that in the years he has known about the business he has been approached on many occasions by people who ‘ come over as being very convincing but who turned out not to be genuine .
14 In those cases when Soviet leaders have favoured neutralisation it has been advanced as part of a broader Soviet strategy of political and military denial to the Western powers .
15 Further , by comparing the size of the mushroom bodies to the brain as a whole it has been shown in the Hymenoptera that the sawflies come lowest in the scale and the social Hymenoptera highest , while the solitary bees occupy an intermediate position ( Hanstrom , 1926 ; Pandazis , 1930 ; Gejvall , 1936 ; Goossen , 1949 ; and earlier workers ; cf. also Zuberi , 2963 , on termites ) .
16 Borrowing from the public is more or less finished , perhaps it is finished for our lifetime , but at any rate it has been finished for the last ten years or so ; you may get in a bit one year but you lose it again the next year .
17 Where this is known in advance it has been noted on the flight tables .
18 There is no reason , and he declines the verbal advice he has been given by his Inspector , so this has now become an ‘ order ’ .
19 Jarrett , who has a personal best of 13.04 , has been summer training in Portugal and already this season he has been timed at 13.33 … if the NIAAF can arrange to bring Jackson along to Belfast , it will be another clash to savour .
20 It is a period which has not yet manifestly reached its climax ; and in the more recent past it has been characterised in Britain , as elsewhere , by a marked increase in the use of firearms .
21 They would have read about these things happening , but now it has come to their own door it has been greeted with great sadness . ’
22 But it is also the tragedy of William Bentley , a tragedy because he too is a boy caught in circumstances which he is incapable of understanding and which will , finally , leave him totally unfit for the life he has been trained for .
23 It 's natural that Yuri should so enjoy dressing down , when for some much of his life he has been zipped into elaborate Bolshoi costumes , his cheekbones and eyes accented by thick , expertly applied theatrical make-up .
24 ‘ We have also had to throw away 200 lbs of meat in case it has been contaminated by glass fragments .
25 This approach , a very recent development for credit in this country ( though of course it has been accepted for many years as the basis of car insurance ratings ) , started in America .
26 He has lost twice , to Michael Watson and Eubank , but at the increased poundage he has been extended by Sugar Boy Malinga and Lenzie Morgan .
27 O. lineata has been recorded from both sides of the Atlantic ; in the west it has been recorded off Florida 511–792 m and in the east off the Azores and in the Bay of Biscay 1165–1378 m .
28 A. fragilis has been found on both sides of the Atlantic : in the west it has been recorded off Martha 's Vineyard north to the Davis Strait and W. Greenland at depths of 430–2640 m ; in the eastern side it has been recorded from the Faeroe Channel in 750 m .
29 O. spectabilis is found on both sides of the North Atlantic : in the west it has been recorded from off Nova Scotia at the depth of 238 m , while in the east it has been found south of Iceland , Norway , SW .
30 In the west it has been recorded from off Florida north to the Labrador Basin with a bathymetric range of 101–2750 m and in the east from SE .
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