Example sentences of "[noun sg] [art] [noun sg] did not [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 In Varley v. Whipp ( 1900 Q.B. ) the contract was for the sale of a specified second-hand reaping machine which at the time of the contract the seller did not own but had still to acquire .
2 In this case the action did not subvert the common law but supplemented it .
3 In the present case the debtor did not apply for a taxation of Marshalls ' bills within one month .
4 In the present case the plaintiff did not allege , nor did the judge find , any bad faith by the defendants .
5 Due to some mechanical fault the driver did not think that the northbound unit would make it to Crewe and he would endeavour to coast it back to Swansea .
6 Both Caliban and Vertigo were available for sale to those who did not have Bermudan status ( i.e. to expatriates ) with the consent of the Governor , but in practice the Governor did not permit an expatriate to purchase more than one property .
7 No wonder the party did not dare publish that document .
8 At common law the employer did not guarantee the safety of the equipment and could not be held liable for latent defects in the equipment which could not be discovered with reasonable care .
9 At common law the employer did not guarantee the safety of the equipment and could not be held liable for a latent defect in it .
10 It 's a pity the world did not adopt the early binding interpretation of the old South Africa , but there you are .
11 Mr Hamilton said that it was accepted by both sides in the case that in law a foetus did not become a person until birth .
12 Richard Dorment of the Daily Telegraph said : ‘ What a pity a dealer did not take him aside and tell him the work he proposed to exhibit was unexhibitable … a visual boredom so total that no amount of metaphor or allusion can give it the kiss of life ’ .
13 At common law an occupier did not owe a duty of care towards a trespasser under the rule in R. Addie & Son ( Collieries ) Ltd v. Dumbreck [ 1929 ] AC 358 ( HL ) where the following was said :
14 For a moment the shopman did not seem to hear .
15 But in Harding v Price [ 1948 ] 1 All ER 283 it was held that if the driver did not know he had been involved in an accident the section did not apply .
16 During the lecture the speaker did not say why Lesotho was being developed , beyond saying that it was a contingency ‘ in case of emergency if South Africa closes its door ’ on the 50,000 miners .
17 For a year and a day the boy did not work and hardly ever spoke but one day when he was watching his father fashion a sword for an important chief he exclaimed " That is not the way to do it " and taking the tools soon made a sword the like of which was never seen before , and so began the famous Islay swords .
18 " Philip so honoured him " , wrote Roger of Howden , " that every day they ate at the same table , shared the same dish and a- night the bed did not separate them .
19 On his massive head a mitre did not appear comic , and in gaiters and apron he looked every inch a bishop , with nothing fancy-dress about him .
20 In the absence of such co-operation the Council did not exclude " other measures " to deliver assistance .
21 In a sense the Advisor did not need to say more , for both her report and the fable of Fred begin to capture the mood of growing up .
22 With no standing army the Crown did not require any equivalent military body .
23 At first sight the house did not appear to be much .
24 There was thus a legal obligation to ensure the packets did not fall below the required weight , but on the other hand the company did not want to give free biscuits to customers by making the packets heavier than necessary .
25 If on the other hand the sub-contractor did not hold a tax certificate , the contractor must deduct tax from the payment and pass the deduction over to the Inland Revenue .
26 He had come before luncheon , eaten everything put before him with great dedication , looked about him hopefully for the cigar the household did not possess , and then explained abruptly without any preliminaries to Alexandra that she was her aunt 's sole heir .
27 Answer guide : The point here is that at the date of the balance sheet the business did not own the asset nor had it any right to its use as all that had happened at that date was an order had been placed which could easily be cancelled .
28 That time the engine did not restart and the plane dived to the ground .
29 At the same time the government did not push its reforms as far as some supporters wished ; it did not , for example , place the onus on union members to contract in rather than out of paying the political levy and has done little to break down national wage bargaining which pays little attention to different local labour market conditions .
30 This time the crisis did not occur as part of a general European crisis threatening France 's national survival .
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