Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] being [vb pp] by [art] " in BNC.

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1 There is no excuse for being caught by a marked police vehicle — but there 's not much you can do about unmarked cars or cameras .
2 Appearance in court is feared by many policemen and women , who express a worry about being humiliated by an aggressive counsel , of becoming ‘ tongue-tied ’ , and generally of having ‘ a rough time ’ .
3 THE Football Association are to bring to an end a lucrative film contract after being embarrassed by the notorious Vinnie Jones video , writes Rob Shepherd .
4 three years ago , they actually announced first round dates which would have allowed for such a break and only changed their mind after being petitioned by a group of players who had been persuaded by ATP to say they were unhappy to play immediately after the Open .
5 ( 2 ) The said duty is owed if the landlord knows ( whether as the result of being notified by the tenant or otherwise ) or if he ought in all the circumstances to have known of the relevant defect .
6 Nobody knew how much they burrowed into one 's past , and this ignorance coupled with a fear of being rejected by the Legion was enough to make most people tell the truth .
7 In Russia , people have had to build mikvas secretly , some of them have built a hidden one t-n their home , and have had to live constantly with the fear of being discovered by the KGB who would imprison them because of it .
8 Then once having disposed of the bogus Robert Gravier , the real Mr G. could live on his swindled millions without fear of being chased by the law or his many creditors .
9 At bottom , this is the grip which the story of Jonah and the whale still has on us : fear of being devoured by a large creature , fear of being chomped , slurped , gargled , washed down with a draught of salt water and a school of anchovies as a chaser ; fear of being blinded , darkened , suffocated , drowned , hooded with blubber ; fear of sensory deprivation which we know drives people mad ; fear of being dead .
10 Maybe it 's just a fear of being overtaken by a woman . ’
11 We have to somehow recognise and then become free of that overwhelming fear of being engulfed by the demands and powerful feelings in some clients and their families .
12 The Scottish people whom I meet who work in the shipyards at Yarrow take pride in building ships for the Royal Navy whose orders would presumably be lost to them if they had the pleasure of being represented by an SNP policy .
13 This gives rise to the possibility that such an investigation could be used by the union as a stalling facility to prevent the applicant from being assisted by the Commissioner .
14 ( 2 ) A renewed licence shall come into effect on being renewed by a licensing board .
15 ( 1 ) A new licence shall come into effect on being granted by a licensing board , except that where there were objections at the hearing the licence shall not come into effect until : ( a ) the time within which an appeal may be made has elapsed , or : ( b ) where an appeal has been lodged , the appeal has been abandoned or determined in favour of the applicant for the licence .
16 They were trying to sneak up and gain entry without being seen by the shapechanger .
17 Although one consequence of their detached status was that the Commissioners tended to be remote from the day to day process of policy formulation in the higher echelons of the Home Office , they had the advantage of being perceived by the Prison Service as providing a collective leadership in which the professional element in the service could and did play a significant part .
18 A limited liability company therefore allows its members the privilege of being shielded by the ‘ corporate veil ’ from unlimited liability for company debts .
19 Cleo marched up to the butler 's door , which was slightly more grandiose than the servants ' and tradesmen 's entrances situated to either side , as it boasted the added splendour of being reached by a flight of steps .
20 Fear against them , I still would n't put it past them , I 'm not saying they will , I 'd be very surprised if they did try to get cos they 're cos they 're on the sort of er the brink of being excepted by the rest of the world again , you know , but up until a couple of years ago , this thing happened , you know conventional warfare were and they only way we can stop them is by nuclear warfare 's
21 His carefully contrived reputation for blunt speaking caused controversy shortly after he secured the nomination , however , when he compared the experience of being drenched by a rainstorm with that of a woman being raped .
22 He 's hardly a bloody martyr for being hit by a carton of juice , is he ?
23 Kidnappers strip victim A 26-YEAR-OLD man turned up naked on a garage forecourt after being held by a kidnap gang for three hours .
24 River police and firemen were called to the scene after being alerted by a passing cyclist and found the unnamed man on the rocks .
25 The 26-year-old victim was tied up , gagged and sexually assaulted in her home after being ambushed by the pair , who were hiding behind dustbins .
26 The unidentified man , aged about 30 , was taken to Hull Royal Infirmary after being found by a motorist near Bridlington , Humberside .
27 Their recommendations may offer an idea of what stocks have the benefit of being promoted by the licensed dealer in question .
28 He knew we could n't abide his ways , and he was sure one of us was going to take a hack at him , so he begged for the honour of being killed by the enemy instead . ’
29 BUCKINGHAM PALACE 6 October : Brigadier RW Morris ( Representative Honorary Colonel of the Royal Australian Army Ordnance Corps ) and Mrs Morris had the honour of being received by The Queen .
30 Senhora Neto-Kiambata had the honour of being received by The Prince of Wales and The Prince Edward .
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