Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] her [noun] [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Erm Can you show can you tell me any ways in which you I presume you know about Mother Theresa you know quite a bit about her life do you ?
2 ‘ You can come home with me , ’ Carson offered , and the speed of her reply shook him slightly .
3 For one thing , the material was patterned , and Clara was going through a stage at which the uncertainty of her taste made her prefer the strictly plain to the figured .
4 Her words sliced through Shannon like burning arrows , but only a faint staining of her cheeks showed she 'd been affected in the slightest .
5 He got up , lifted her and carried her back to the bedroom despite her threats to do him a fatal injury if he did n't stop carting her about like a sack of old cabbages .
6 The sound of the telephone shrilling by the side of her bed brought her gasping back to wakefulness .
7 She swept him off his feet as the forward momentum of her lunge carried her upright , shedding Perks left and right with a shake of her shoulders .
8 The empty echo of her voice alarmed her and she whispered his name instead .
9 As she watched him striding up the beach she tried to consider what he had said but with his loss the full weight of her grief hit her with a thud that stopped her eyes , her ears , her brain .
10 As Nancy slid the first tape into her video machine I settled down to watch her at work , but , throughout , the advice offered me on the screen was interspersed with more from the sofa next to me , where she sat eagerly adding a tumult of tips to those already being relayed .
11 Remembering always to carry her gas mask , stumbling home through the blackout with only a narrow beam of light from her torch to help her , and going to services in churches lit only by candles with a blackout curtain over the door .
12 That someone who had nothing at all to do with her life should have had a hand in removing her father 's last trace in her life infuriated her .
13 But the distress in her face held him back .
14 Opening his eyes , he noticed a bloom of perspiration on her bronze shoulder , and slid his mouth over her skin to lick it off .
15 A glance at her watch told her she would have to leave to catch a tram in half an hour .
16 A glance at her watch told her it was already mid-morning .
17 Feeling surprised that she was no nearer solving the enigma of Mark Vila , she tried to find something to take her mind off things , toying with the idea of running a couple of black and white Marlene Dietrich movies , but a glance at her watch told her that it was already late in the afternoon .
18 A glance at her watch showed her it was nearly midday .
19 A glance at her watch showed it was barely ten o'clock , yet she felt wide awake and as impatient to see her love as any Juliet .
20 A glance at her watch informed her she would have to be leaving soon .
21 A glance at her watch gave her the perfect excuse to leave immediately …
22 A glance at her companion made her feel as if she 'd been slapped .
23 A glance at her wristwatch told her it was almost four .
24 The other half of the club has a stage surrounded by white plastic tables and chairs , above which a blonde girl in a white body stocking was dangling from a rope , with only a ligature around her ankle saving her from crashing head first to the floor .
25 But Nutty , slouched against the wall watching with Nails and Mr Sylvester , felt a great gloom settle as the full responsibility of her captaincy overcame her .
26 He wanted tonight to himself , and the idea of the wealthy formality of her house oppressed him .
27 Even so , the savagery of her words surprised him .
28 Horsley , in turn , was followed around and virtually nursed , as the women saw it , by the embarrassingly doting and un-feminist Olwen , whose old-fashioned attitude towards her man sickened them .
29 She did , and the sudden flare of her eyes made him let her go .
30 She avoided his eyes as she placed the fresh drink on the table by his elbow , and the unchanging passivity of her face enraged him suddenly without reason .
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