Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] be [vb pp] from [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Another was that , while Recommendations 7 and 8 had proposed higher payments to tutors , the Report had seen 75% of teaching costs as the maximum grant available , leaving the prospect of a widening gap to be filled from voluntary sources — 25% of a salary of ( say ) £700 being greater than 25% of one of £600 .
2 This factor was the approximately 30 million b/d which represented the supply of crude from non-OPEC sources , leaving a balance — the quantity to be provided from other sources , meaning OPEC or the drawdown of stocks , which were sometimes very substantial .
3 All human beings have the right to be protected from physical and mental harm , abuse and exploitation .
4 Moreover , older workers lose the right to be protected from unfair dismissal if they are over the ‘ upper age limit ’ ( this may be 65 or it may be whatever is the ‘ normal retiring age ’ for the job the individual holds ) .
5 The conventional sociological reading of youth sub-cultures as resisting bourgeois cultural hegemony makes no sense of the casuals — they 're involved in a stylistic refusal to be excluded from dominant images of the good life .
6 While there is much joy to be gained from happy memories , do n't waste time looking back on things which have caused you pain or distress .
7 Therefore , improvements in efficiency need to be distinguished from cost-cutting measures , where no consideration is given to the reduction in the effectiveness of the programme when the resource commitment is reduced .
8 So , as you can see , there is no need to be discouraged from growing plants for pressing even if you do only have a window box .
9 The sequence of rifted margin evolution to be expected from passive rifting is illustrated schematically in Figure 4.18 .
10 The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds ( RSPB ) has called for the Thames estuary to be protected from damaging development .
11 The extent and magnitude of uplift to be expected from active and passive rifting mechanisms are compared by Keen ( 1985 ) , while Beaumont et al.
12 The aim is to allow emergency expertise to be summoned from other regions or countries at a moment 's notice to help combat any natural or man-made disasters , such as oil spills or fires .
13 There were no marriage lines and no birth certificate to be had from public records .
14 The Channel tunnel project is the largest enterprise of its kind to be financed from private sources .
15 There is a tremendous amount of potential improvement in this field to be gained from biotechnological research on reactor designs , materials , cultures and so on .
16 The technique significantly enhances both the quality and quantity of information to be derived from thin sections and rock surfaces , and provides a powerful tool for the construction of extremely detailed diagenetic event stratigraphies .
17 There is , of course , an immense amount to be learned from good critics , but the critic 's role and tone are not those of a teacher .
18 Lesson to be learned from subsidy-free life
19 A golden opportunity and the enthusiasm of professional advisers would be lost if cost reduction was required to dominate without full analysis of the health gain to be achieved from improved ( and sometimes costlier ) drug treatment .
20 The Care Programme Approach … means that a formal discharge plan must be agreed for every patient to be discharged from psychiatric hospital .
21 A further proposal which appears to have little , if any , current support , is for litigation to be financed from public funds irrespective of the means of the parties .
22 For long documents , PC-Type allows a single document to be created from multiple files and tables of contents , and indexes can be generated .
23 They have also realised after a number of annual painting expeditions together that there is considerable mileage to be had from monastic ruins as well as both occupied and derelict castles .
24 One of the major environmental decisions surrounds the target for the amount of electricity to be generated from renewable sources by the year 2000 , which is to be increased by 50 per cent to 1,500 megawatts .
25 If , as my hon. Friend suggests , there is cheaper electricity to be obtained from coal-fired power stations than from gas-fired power stations , I would expect them to use the electricity from coal-fired stations , in accordance with their licence obligations .
26 Critical theory offers a more optimistic account of valid knowledge through the postponed validity to be derived from emancipatory practice .
27 Some argue for weaning countries from timber centrism by showing the higher economic value to be had from non-wood products harvested without harming forests .
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