Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] it because [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Yes I did n't really have a good look through it because I got stuck on a an article that was so good at the beginning
2 The Selby approach seems to me to be er look at the land that is allocated which amounts to approximately a hundred hectares in the district and discount a great deal of it because it 's constrained in some way or another , and I 'll come back to those constraints later .
3 I was in Nassau on business today but could n't keep my mind on it because I 'd already decided to come up here tonight and be with you .
4 So you ca n't have a full mortgage but they could n't get a mortgage on it because it had a flat roof .
5 Using the Temple as a short cut was also forbidden by Jewish Law and yet the priests turned a blind eye to it because it brought more trade into the Temple .
6 No , I do not wish to give any sort of name to it because I do not yet grasp the true meaning of this ‘ presence' : all that I sense , however vaguely , is that it or he or He is not hostile .
7 I do n't know if the I did n't see the water over it because we went , Jim and I went out at about erm ten o'clock
8 Well there 's the fact that he might have borrowed the money for a ten million pound project , and he ca n't have a use of it because it 's named and he 's paying interest
9 P. E. A man dropped dead in front of me on the street and I took him to the mortuary and I got into trouble over it because I did n't search the body properly .
10 She laughed at the very thought of it because she doubted it was possible because her conception of God was too small .
11 It has a tang , so that youngsters particularly , quite , quite like the taste of it because they do n't taste anything all their taste buds
12 For the most fleeting of moments , she knew humiliation , but then anger surged , and an aching triumph with it because she knew he could not deny her .
13 Yes , we , we got one as well right now , he said do n't put a date on it because I 've got
14 Mick Ronson : ‘ At the time when that story came out , my family in Hull took a lot of flak about it because they 'd never even heard about it up there .
15 In America we met one young person who saw a picture of ours and told us he felt so happy in front of it because he did n't feel alone in the world any more .
16 In other words I wo n't say it 's non-threatening or does n't have any kind of value judgment behind it because I do n't think that can be true and if anybody is monitoring their classroom practice , it 's got to be threatening in some way , almost inevitably .
17 Elonex has no interest in it because we do n't see the need for it . ’
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