Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] a [adj] [noun pl] ['s] " in BNC.

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1 Labour contender Ashok Kumar has expressed support for a junior doctors ' campaign for shorter working hours .
2 I joined the Associate Membership scheme in the beginning and left it last year because of what I felt was gross overcharging for a pathetic members ' service .
3 During the same era of the early sixties , TV tough guy , Lewis Collins was earning a living as a junior ladies ' hairdresser at Andre Bernard 's salon in Liverpool .
4 Being the skipper meant she was in sole command of a million pounds ' worth of yacht .
5 The next election will be lost or won not as the result of a few weeks ' electioneering , of media events , of soundbites , but as a result of four years of radical but sensible campaigning in our towns and villages .
6 Negotiations between the government and the opposition , which disputed the November presidential election results [ see p. 39180 ] , failed after the government refused to concede the principal demand — the completion of a new voters ' register .
7 The Harewood House charity auction , hosted by the Queen 's cousin the Earl of Harewood , is in aid of a new children 's day hospital in Leeds .
8 She loves gym workouts , swimming and playing netball — she is a leading light in a local women 's team .
9 How can we allow the commercial hunting of whales when they could be starved of food because of ozone depletion in a few years ' time ? "
10 This chapter contains an overview of the present state of play , and considers the basic requirements for practice in a conventional solicitors ' partnership .
11 forbidding the use of capillary fittings containing lead-based solder on pipes supplying drinking water ( see Chapter 2 ) n changing the size of flushing cisterns used with WCs ( to come into effect in a few years ' time — see Chapter 8 )
12 are on three months ' placement with , on a three months ' placement with the Authority until the middle of September as part of a six months ' training programme organised by the South African Advanced Educational Project .
13 This originally appeared as part of a Fabian Women 's Group report based upon research from 1909 – 13 into the daily lives of families living in Lambeth .
14 This points to the existence of a distinctive women 's politics and culture prior to the entry of the term feminism into linguistic usage .
15 Eight years later , to be precise , she was greeted by screaming crowds and the flash of a hundred photographers ' cameras .
16 Smith was a leading figure in the local and national movement to promote technical education , beginning with the provision of a new Mechanics ' Institute in Keighley in 1870 — he was secretary of the building committee — and continuing , after a formative visit to France , Germany , and Switzerland in 1872 , with the setting up of an associated ‘ trade school ’ , providing technical and art classes .
17 The justiciar , Geoffrey FitzPeter , who had taken the cross , was absolved as he was dying in return for a 2000 marks ' subsidy for the Holy Land .
18 In John v. Matthews ( 1970 D.C. ) a packet of cigarettes , displayed in the bar of a working men 's club bore the statement ‘ 3d. off . ’
19 A recent step forward was the announcement in October 1990 of the formation of a broad-based teachers ' organization — the South African Democratic Teachers ' Union — which brings together a number of teachers ' unions previously separated on racial , geographical and political lines .
20 OXFORD university students were branded ‘ over-privileged plonkers ’ by the editor of a top women 's magazine yesterday after a debate turned into a drunken farce .
21 Do n't entirely rule out the ultimate staging of a joint men 's and women 's event .
22 The motion called on the chamber to reconsider the issue in a few years ' time .
23 The great majority of refugees are legally recognized and receive basic assistance from the United Nations through the Costa Rican government , The training centre is organized jointly by a group of Costa Rican women and AMES and receives financial assistance from a Swedish women 's organization , the " Swallows " .
24 However , the difficulties involved in providing a safe and reassuring environment for staff working with this group of people are one reason why so many professional staff still clamour to retain the old asylums ; in such asylums staff know they can summon help at a few minutes ' notice from a neighbouring ward and from resident medical staff .
25 WITHIN a few hours of arriving in Cape Town yesterday morning , the Scotland squad had a training and nets session at a local boys ' school where the facilities were superb .
26 Further , more local , threats are posed for the sake of a few years ' supply of raw materials .
27 She is in fact already a teacher of a few years ' experience , with one class in her own village of Strathkinness in Fife , and two more in nearby St. Andrews ; she has even more experience as a traveller , having for some time regularly made the journey to Edinburgh by bicycle and train to attend training Saturdays with Rita Quick and Monday recreational classes with Muriel Jessop , and during the last two years undertaken the long trip south to take part in Aston Clinton weekends .
28 The meeting also approved the establishment of a separate Ladies ' Committee .
29 Not only did the County Council begin to prepare a major case against Hinkley C , but every detail , from the new roads to the siting of a proposed workers ' hostel , was back in the melting pot .
30 In 1943 , practically the entire team relegated during 39/40 got back together during ‘ Buy a Spitfire ’ week to play a fund-raising match against a local Women 's Land Army XI .
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