Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] the [noun] make it " in BNC.

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1 The sheer bulk of the material makes it difficult for them to do otherwise .
2 While it is not possible to demonstrate that any of the Continental braids are of Anglo-Saxon , even Kentish , manufacture , the very close similarity between some examples on each side of the Channel makes it possible that they are at least from the same source .
3 One would have to say that the standard of dress on the European Tour is nowadays not too far removed from that in the States , bearing in mind that the climate on that side of the Atlantic makes it easier to look the part .
4 This myth is believed all over the world despite the fact that the weight of the armour makes it impossible for the clam to close rapidly .
5 This is partially true , but the motivations for saying ‘ quack ’ , the kind of quack a duck makes , the social message that is being conveyed — fear , alarm , pain , surprise , contentment , ‘ Come here ’ , ‘ Go away ’ , ‘ Look what I 've found ’ — this all requires a mind behind the larynx to make it express or utter the intent and feeling within the duck 's mind , to give the quack the correct inflection and intonation .
6 1 ) JOBS — The upper parts of the Himalayas are covered with snow throughout the year making it impossible for animals and people to live there .
7 Sinn Fein 's association with the IRA makes it unacceptable to many people here , but it is still a legal political party .
8 Sometimes she sat on the end of his divan if she could n't sleep and tried to wake him up to talk , but he slept with the heaviness of the very thin , and her weight on the divan made it sag and creak in a way that embarrassed her .
9 Paragraph 2.9 of the Code of Practice to the Act makes it clear that a person can be detained on the basis of a known history of mental illness following non-compliance with medication .
10 Yet the fragmentation of the Church makes it exceedingly difficult to implement anything like normal management practice .
11 The speed of access combined with precision of access to any part of the disc makes it an important development for educational users of video .
12 ‘ The corpse was then moved to the foot of the stairs to make it look like an accident . ’
13 They found Lady Eleanor dead in her chamber and , concerned about the possible consequences , took her body to the foot of the stairs to make it look like an accident .
14 However , their multiple condensation at the level of the state makes it possible to speak , not just of a set of regional problems but of a general crisis of hegemony .
15 While we ca n't say that we are in complete agreement with Barry Graham 's ‘ with one bound , IBM was free ’ analysis of the company 's manifold problems and its prospects , written up in today 's page two , there is no doubt that IBM Corp is suffering from a deep crisis of confidence , and his messianic defence of the mainframe makes it quite clear that the man who should be running IBM in succession to John Akers is — Barry Graham .
16 The horror of the memory made it all too easy to choke and scream , but to her relief her performance was cut short in seconds as the door burst open , the light snapped on and she was in Penry 's arms , held close to his chest , and so glad to be there that not even her guilt could mar the joy of the moment .
17 Fascinating to watch : how she smoothed down the shard of the totem to make it a circle , to flatten it out ; how she trimmed and chipped to make the natural lines flow ; how she scored out the eyes , the mouth ; how she touched colour with her fingers to emphasize the woman in the land , in the mask ; how the dead wood began to live and breathe .
18 In the preface , the editor of the catalogue makes it clear that only a representative selection of coins is listed .
19 A screwed access plug or ‘ eye ’ in the bottom of the U made it possible to empty the trap of debris if it got blocked .
20 The calf shook its head lamely , but Kalchu merely tightened his hold and stroked the underneath of the throat to make it swallow .
21 The flexibility of the memo makes it the major form of internal communication .
22 So the flexibility of the model makes it the easiest to apply , but the assumption that Nottingham has grown as a Multiple nuclei model may be incorrect .
23 Although he was the first to use motor transport on an extensive scale in Lewis — many a time as a youngster I ran a mile to see his fleet of yellow Fords — he failed to see that the advent of the bus made it possible for the crofter to live in the country and work in the town .
24 Yet the reality is that it is only in companies where each shareholder has a sufficiently substantial stake in the company to make it worth his or her while performing the tasks of monitoring and supervising the behaviour of the directors that this constitutional framework can hope to provide an adequate control on the behaviour of directors .
25 He was wearing a wetsuit and lifejacket but seawater in the river made it icy cold and he was gasping with exhaustion as he was pulled out , suffering from a shoulder injury .
26 Mercury is a small planet , which combined with its small angular separation from the Sun makes it a difficult planet to observe .
27 The fact that this coincided with Britain 's exit from the ERM makes it difficult to distinguish between the favourable judgement taken of the merger ( on the day of the announcement and subsequently ) and the general advance of the stock market .
28 The big glass tells the story of the aridity of art , he wrote , of the lies of art , of the machine without the fuel to make it move .
29 Gedling colliery in the constituency of my hon. Friend the Member for Gedling ( Mr. Mitchell ) closed a week ago after a four-year battle by the miners to make it successful .
30 Tightness throughout the abdomen making it impossible to cough or strain for fear that something will burst or will tear loose .
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