Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] the [prep] of [art] " in BNC.

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1 Starting with the leaves , I mixed both green and silver for the outside of the circle and used some medium-sized wild rose leaves and medium-to-small silverweed leaves , placed alternately around the edge .
2 This threw his weight onto the outside of the feet which affected his whole balance , causing excessive stress throughout his entire body .
3 The plaintiff guard saw the defendant on the outside of the train and gave the incorrect signal to the driver .
4 Others have optional add-on pockets and accessory straps for carrying extra gear on the outside of the sack .
5 Identification from the outside of the issues facing any particular area or community is extremely difficult .
6 Chola went for a third time to fetch some water from the river while Mina and Kāli set to work on the outside of the house .
7 Try to assess the state of repair of the outside of the property on a scale of one to 10 .
8 A statue of Sir William Wallace flourishes a sword from the outside of the tower .
9 Apart from the dimensions and shape of the pot , an important point to remember is that whatever the colour or decoration on the outside of the pots or jars used for potted meats , the inside should be of a pale colour and preferably white , so that the delicate creams and pinks of the contents with their layer of yellow butter look fresh and appetizing against their background .
10 This consists of strips of glass fibre or mineral wool insulation , contained in plastic tubes , and is simply tied in place around the outside of the cylinder .
11 On sixteen minutes , Liam Cowell hit a good ball with the outside of the foot down the line to Steve Jenkins , Jenkins crossed and his cross was met by Julio Berazi , but Terry Stevenson made a great one-handed save to push his effort on to the bar , Kenny Clark followed up but was inches wide with his shot .
12 Write the number in pencil on the outside of the examination book so as to serve as a guide to you later .
13 Those who invoked this factor to explain the colour on the outside of a snail 's shell had no way of explaining differences on the inside .
14 ‘ What really intrigued me was the scorch mark on the outside of the door facing the gallery , as well as the damage done to the heavy bedstead .
15 Perhaps she was a bit like that as a child , Dexter sometimes wondered , always eating the pastry round the outside of a tart before she gobbled up the fruit-crammed centre .
16 But at the heart of that issue I you know that specific issue I think is a good example of the of of the problem which I see you facing is that I think it 's more not so much about the noise but about the fact that we have a relatively privileged few people who are enjoying going to these May Balls I mean and enjoying the end of their exams , staying up all night , and I wonder in fact if it 's more a matter of sour grapes rather than environmental health .
17 The blurred pattern on the outside of the wings enlarges and becomes focused .
18 Do you mean a bell on the outside of the house ?
19 He had given us the computer codes to chalk on the outside of the boxes , but you would n't have caught him packing files into the boxes or wrapping them up with pink tape afterwards .
20 A loss of compression on both cylinders of the Volvo Penta MD7a — plus some very black sump oil — meant that something was happening inside the engine , and certainly 11 years had taken their toll on the paint on the outside of the block .
21 Also rub a little Flora margarine over the outside of the skin and sprinkle with salt and pepper.Wrap loosely in foil and place the leg on a flat enamel pie plate and cook in a pre-heated moderately hot oven .
22 Displace people from York to er according to this structure plan alteration , partly to a new settlement on the outside of the greenbelt .
23 Right , you put any text on the outside of the board ?
24 It bore a sketch on the outside of the envelope ; a small black pug .
25 That is the update on the outside of the Lincoln Turbine Service building , so what has been happening on the inside ?
26 For a balanced look , always put the tallest stalk towards the outside of the garment , whenever possible .
27 The Williamses fell in love with the outside of the house at first sight and Pauline admits the condition inside was far worse than they first thought .
28 Not only does it not create metal filings and a sharp burr on the outside of the pipe ( as does a hacksaw ) , but it also gives a neat square finish to the end of the pipe .
29 Use a flat file ( or the flat side of a half-round file ) to clean up the burr on the outside of the pipe so that the pipe will enter the fitting
30 About an hour before midnight , Cleo and Javelot were taken across the yard and up a rickety stair on the outside of the main house .
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