Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] the [noun] just [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Such effects could take place at a number of different levels within the political system : an individual 's relationship to another could change as a result of the media just as an individual 's relationship to an institution could change as an outcome of media work , and so on .
2 Meanwhile , at Stratford , the district council banned fishing on the popular 300-yard stretch of the Avon just above the swan sanctuary following complaints from nearby residents .
3 And when he gets a break from the circuit just before Christmas , he 'll be taking wife Anne and baby George to Florida so that he can train in the sun .
4 Lawyers handling his affairs had then dumped the boat on the market just after Wall Street had had one of its periodic crashes .
5 The shedding of older labour has also been a feature of the experience of the cohort just below the statutory retirement age , with male activity-rates in the 60–64 years age-group falling from 83 per cent in 1971 to 60 per cent in 1986 .
6 After his win in Frankfurt on Sunday , he lies second in the series just behind Michel Robert .
7 Sadly , my father had to find work in the Gulf just before the last war and died out there when I was three years old .
8 There 's a telephone on the wall just by my table and I think for a bit about who I 'd like to phone .
9 But he died young and other reggae singers such as Peter Tosh have been gunned down , a reminder of the violence just below the surface .
10 The train carrying the body of Cadogan West gave a lurch as it passed over the points and the curve in the rails just before Aldgate Station .
11 The definitive account of this belief was presented in the Book of Daniel , written long after the return from the Babylonian Exile under the stress of danger from the Seleucids just before the Maccabean rising in the second century BC .
12 They trained at a farmhouse in the hills just outside Perugia .
13 Hence the concept devised — and now enshrined in the local plan — for adding a major wing to the castle just across the moat , effectively doubling the size of the castle .
14 At the top of the stairs just beyond the archway at the exit from the gallery stood figures of Michael Jackson and Stevie Wonder .
15 The toad egg is large and yolky and the nucleus floats in the cytoplasm near the top of the egg just beneath the surface .
16 All the nice Burma people attached to Government who lived in Simla , and were so kind to us , who opened a room on the top of the library just below our house for soldiers on leave .
17 Then you bring your ladder that you 've brought with you for the job and you put it up leaning on this windowsill , so that essentially if that 's the windowsill the end of that table there , it 's up to here you see with the top of the ladder just above the windowsill .
18 Then I ran the rest of the way just in case she 'd heard .
19 I crawled out from under the back of the tractor just in case anybody thought to peer into the barn , and was about to use the lawn-mower for cover when my foot caught something hard and suddenly I was face down on the ground again .
20 By chapter 4 you 'll find you 've progressed to in-depth explanations about specific software ( databases , desktop publishing , shell , music , simulations etc ) but it 's a gentle progression with refreshingly little computerspeak ( honest ) and a brilliant idiot 's guide to jargon at the back of the book just in case !
21 A lot of people d used to ask the pri make the price of the house just under the stamp duty .
22 They can then be placed in a bowl or aquarium with the water just over the surface of the compost .
23 It hit the green and finished down in the rough with the flag just over a little rise ( he was down in Duncan 's Hollow ) .
24 Beales 's story was that he met his friend in the pub just after 1 p.m .
25 One hot night he came home drunk and lay down on the flower-bed in the garden just outside the studio and fell fast asleep .
26 Gazza headed home Signori 's free kick to tie the scores at 1-1 in the first half but took a knock on the ankle just before halftime and was less influential in the second half .
27 Durrant 's determination won him the ball at the byeline just inside the Marseille penalty area .
28 They 've got a cottage in the country just for the Brownies
29 He lived in a small cottage in the fields just off what is now Princess Way .
30 Precisely this eventuality had been considered at the highest level in the days just before the war ended .
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