Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] it [verb] [prep] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 The melodrama of it appealed to her sense of the ridiculous , and she hastily stifled a laugh as a youth passing inside gave her an odd look .
2 I also think it 's important that people have this sort of emotional side of it taught to them as well , you 're often taught like the straight , you know , the wee sperm and the wee egg come together and you get a baby , but you do n't , not taught about the emotional side of it a lot
3 His fair hair was parted on one side , and a lock of it fell across his forehead .
4 The bridge in Darlington that proudly displays the Teasdale Bros name is Stonebridge although the plaque on it refers to it as St Cuthbert 's Bridge .
5 Sir Arthur Evans bought the hill of ruins in 1900 and ‘ reconstructed ’ part of it according to his idea of what might have been .
6 I sat down beside her , both of us gazing out through the mist at the heaving , pounding water , the noise of it thundering in our ears , filling our whole world with sound .
7 She drank thirstily and when she put the bottle down , there was milk all over her lips , the bright whiteness of it shining on her face .
8 The train was going fast , rushing along now , and the clatter of it sang in his ears .
9 A rite of reaffirming vows made at baptism and at confirmation , a rite particularly intended for those who have subsequently experienced some sort of dramatic renewal of their Christian life which makes their previous experience of it seem as nothing .
10 Laura , knowing how much this vehicle meant to Bernard , had a miniature of it made for her husband , which he kept in his office .
11 The Collector popped it into his mouth , let himself savour the sensation of it wriggling on his tongue for a moment , then crunched it with as much pleasure as if it had been a chocolate truffle .
12 The IRA slaughtered a girl 's pet sheep and stuffed a bomb into it aimed for her father , a part-time soldier .
13 The rest of it hung around her like a curtain .
14 It 's not just that it 's the delay in it getting to you anyway .
15 Because of Hooke 's law , when a material is strained the stress in it varies from nothing at the beginning of the operation up to a maximum at the final strain .
16 To continue to support the mechanism despite it failing in its obligations to cushion speculation against Sterling .
17 But clearly I 'm not in a position to reveal the results of of that work in advance of it put into my memory .
18 Sadly for them , their response to it works against them and encourages the very behaviour they fear most .
19 I can understand it cos I , I , when I 'm feeling a bit down it gets to me , you know I think oh God
20 She was back in the driving seat , back in control , and the relief of it washed over her like a warm , revitalising wave .
21 Instead , she stayed near the doors , holding on as best she could to an upright rail , the bag with the dress in it clutched in her other hand .
22 She sat very still , making herself small , the bag with the dress in it crammed behind her legs , telling herself it was a privilege to have a seat .
23 Every kind of reason for it went through her mind : the doctor had given him six months to live , his family was moving away from the area , he had been transferred to another school .
24 We have lived in this peaceful west Stirlingshire village for 32 years , and thought the risk of it happening to us was negligible .
25 There were bomb sites around and a lot of it looked like something out of the Ealing comedies .
26 Everybody gets phone calls like that , unfortunately occasionally , but it kind of I went through a phase of it happening to me so I therefore had to change my phone number because it was er it was really unpleasant being woken er up by these calls .
27 Look around , there 's a whole sea of it lapping at us everywhere we walk , sit , eat , and pray ! ’
28 The feel of Master Harry 's mallet in his hand , the way the heel of it swung in his palm , filled him with a fever of ambition and impatience , and he could not wait the threatened few days for the assay .
29 Gandhi 's teaching concerning the symbolic nature of personifications of Truth in a variety of different forms seems on the face of it to correspond to what Tillich has to say about the symbolic nature of Christian terminology .
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