Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] [det] [noun sg] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 This is not something that attendances allowance should be , should be used to pay for , and I think that unless we look at it very carefully indeed , and we perhaps get around to having a proper chairman for each committee instead of this sort of er , bugginses chart er , we 're going to be faced with , with lots of difficulties .
2 ENGLAND skip John Bell and his Cumbria partner Andrew Baxter , who won both indoor and outdoor national triples championships last year , kept on course for another title yesterday at the Manchester Unity National Indoor Championships at Melton Mowbray .
3 He said : ‘ George Bush took credit for every victory around the world , but refused to take responsibility for any problem here at home . ’
4 If you need to have an additional vehicle category added , you should enclose with the application the test pass certificate for that category together with your current licence , a recent facial photograph and the appropriate fee ( see Note F ) .
5 Further research has failed to turn up a single firm IBM Corp mainframe deal for this quarter anywhere across Europe , and the disk business is not going to save any IBM bacon either : word in leasing circles is that users are so averse to buying new disks that prices of used 3380Ks have risen by some 25% .
6 The result of using the mean of each triple instead of the median is shown in columns 4 and 5 of figure 9.7 .
7 The result of this submission together with the passages from the coroner 's affidavit which I have read is , he says , to permit a coroner to ignore other evidence as a possible concurrent cause of death unless , as I have said , such evidence is of an exceptional nature .
8 Graham Swift 's Waterland ( 1983 ) shows the appropriateness of this idiom even within the South-East of England , providing a setting can be found which is remote enough to establish the ‘ contesting of centralisation of culture through the valuing of the local and peripheral ’ , which Linda Hutcheon considers an important constituent of postmodernism ( Hutcheon 1988 : 61 ) .
9 Example 2:1 Parcels clause of office suite ALL THAT suite of rooms on the floor of the building known as ( excluding the outer faces of the walls enclosing the said building and its roof and roof structure but including the structure supporting the floor of the said rooms ) and for the purpose of identification only edged in red on the attached plan Example 2:2 Parcels clause of open land ALL THAT parcel of land in and numbered on the Ordnance Map ( 1968 edition ) for the said district a copy of which is attached hereto ( including the entirety of the hedge and ditch on the western boundary of enclosure number but excluding the entirety of the hedges and ditches on the northern boundaries of the said enclosures and the entirety of the road on the southern boundaries thereof ) Example 2:3 Parcels clause of building excluding airspace ALL THAT building known as shown edged red on the attached plan but excluding the airspace lying above the existing roof of that building together with a right for the tenant with or without workmen to enter that airspace for the sole purpose of inspecting the building or carrying out any works for which the tenant is liable under this lease Example 2:4 Parcels clause with details of boundaries ALL THAT the floor of the building known as ( " the property " ) including ( i ) all non-loadbearing walls situated wholly within the red edging on the attached plan ( ii ) one half ( severed vertically ) of all non-loadbearing walls separating the property from any other part of the building ( iii ) all plaster or other decorative finish applied to any wall bounding the property and not included in paragraphs ( i ) or ( ii ) above or applied to any column or loadbearing wall within the property ( iv ) the whole of all doors door frames windows window frames ( including mastic joints or seals ) bounding the property ( v ) all ceilings bounding the property and any void between any suspended ceiling and the structural slat above ( vi ) all floor finishes and floor screeds including raised floors and floor jacks supporting such floors ( vii ) all light fittings and air conditioning units incorporated in any ceiling but not any other part of the air conditioning system
10 Cleavage of this molecule either with DNase I , or with hydroxy radicals , gave a sinusoidal pattern in both regions of the molecule , as shown by autoradiography ( Figure 2 ) and densitometry ( Figure 3 ) .
11 ( 3 ) The wife shall not so long as the husband shall punctually make the payments hereby agreed to be made commence or prosecute against the husband any matrimonial proceedings other than proceedings for dissolution of marriage but upon failure of the husband to make the said weekly payments as and when the same become due the wife shall be at full liberty on her election to pursue all and every remedy in this regard either by enforcement of the provisions hereof or as if this agreement had not been made.n So far as we know , the parties have remained apart ever since .
12 We wrote , wrote to them cos I 've got a reply to that letter somewhere with a great wad of information
13 Our region 's got a free vote on this document so in that sense I 'm not necessarily expressing the views of the region .
14 A technique for compiling such dictionaries is described , and the assessment of this technique together with the nature of domains in general are also suggested as areas for further research .
15 A more worrying element was the requirement to assess the progress of each pupil formally at the ages 7 , 11 , 14 and 16 .
16 I appreciate the difficulties that my right Hon. Friend faces and I am not criticising him , but would it not be a good idea to consider a combination of more all-day European supply days such as the one next Thursday , longer debates-late at night , if necessary the sending of more business upstairs to Committee whenever a particular document makes that relevant and also , once a month , having a longer Friday afternoon session so that European enthusiasts , such as my Hon. Friend the Member for Southend , East ( Mr. Taylor ) , myself and others can take part .
17 I appreciate the difficulties that my right Hon. Friend faces and I am not criticising him , but would it not be a good idea to consider a combination of more all-day European supply days such as the one next Thursday , longer debates , late at night , if necessary the sending of more business upstairs to Committee whenever a particular document makes that relevant and also , once a month , having a longer Friday afternoon session so that European enthusiasts , such as my Hon. Friend the Member for Southend , East ( Mr. Taylor ) , myself and others can take part .
18 If either leg wants to fall out , then move the foot of that leg away from the other foot .
19 Probably the king 's enterprising patronage in other ways and his need of papal financial and political support help to explain the want of any crisis then in contrast with 1279–81 .
20 As they approached it , Sam guessed at the presence of another staircase further on where the passage disappeared back into its own darkness .
21 In this time there were no individual families , there was no private property , there was not marriage , there was no exploitation , there was no inequality of any kind even between men and women , since , before the coming of private property women were , if anything , superior .
22 ‘ I depend on a manual wheelchair for all movement away from my car .
23 Clearly it is not every year that the government introduces massive changes to social security legislation and the IPG would not expect an exercise of this size again for many years .
24 Furthermore , positioning of this fragment upstream of the HSV-tk gene promoter stimulates transcription 2–3 times over control values , far less than the activity observed for this fragment in the homologous promoter , indicating that full activity of this fragment requires sequences located in the proximal part of the promoter .
25 I hereby acknowledge receipt of this application together with the submitted drawings and other documentation .
26 This was a continuation of that trend away from a clerical domination of scholarship that had been accelerated by the appearance of the printing press .
27 Midfielder Dino Baggio added a second from another corner just before half time and substitute Fabrizio Ravanelli killed off the Portuguese side when he hammered the third shortly after coming on midway through the second half .
28 The main example of the first is Habermas ' Theory and Practice ( 1974 ) , which has had some influence in this country mainly on education , social work and the ‘ caring ’ professions , particularly at the radical edge .
29 The Chaplain to the University is glad to be of assistance in any matter both to students and staff and can be contacted through the Chaplaincy or at home .
30 To justify their hold on this island far into East Germany , the West Germans must keep up a good show of a thriving community in West Berlin .
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