Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] [det] [noun] as they " in BNC.

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1 The chapters which follow provide an up to date discussion of the relevant literature and research into each aspect as they impinge upon social workers , nurses , and remedial therapists .
2 At one stage two large windows were let into the wall each side of the rose window to give more light , but these were removed when the cathedral was restored in the early part of this century as they were not in keeping with the original design .
3 From the response of these waves as they travel through the Earth it is possible to build up a general picture of the properties of its interior .
4 She smiled at the slatterns too — why not ? — most of them living a little lower down the street , who , for one reason or another , had lost all taste for building edifices of any description , hanging on by the skin of such teeth as they had left , to a precarious existence of borrowing today to pay what one owed from yesterday and hoping that tomorrow would somehow take care of itself .
5 Make a secret WP test for each character as they enter the area .
6 Again , make a secret WP test for each character as they enter here .
7 The word ‘ changing ’ in the title refers mainly to the electrification of some of these lines , and Vic 's talk was largely a record of these lines as they were , with Deltics , Class 31's , 37 's and 47 's and Sprinters of Class 150 and even 156 , interspersed with slides of the overhead wire installation , and the Class 317 's and 321 's to be seen now .
8 This distinction also bears on the pragmatics of these models as they are applied in the context of political debates and campaigns .
9 The abbey church of St Ricquier , built in the 790s , had galleries in its apses , and choir screens round the area of some of its altars , with the idea ( as we know from the ritual order of its Abbot Angilbert ) of dividing the monks ' and boys ' choirs ; the building must have echoed to the sound of these choirs as they answered each other antiphonally from different parts of it .
10 Again , Monotype appear to have a lead in this area as they are coding all their fonts from a single digital master , regardless of the final output format .
11 The testator allows for the fact that his daughter will want to benefit her own children if she has any , and therefore restricts his limitation until such time as they are born .
12 It was an object lesson in finishing that would have preyed on the minds of the Belgian team at half time as they reflected on an opening 45 minutes during which it seemed only a matter of time before they took the lead .
13 The mariners spent the night in such shelter as they could find from the 30-knot winds , drenching squalls and menacing waves .
14 They suggested she borrow the money until such time as they could let her have it .
15 It seems , prima facie , most reasonable that they deal with the question of liability in this area as they think fit , irrespective of the goods concerned .
16 Demonstrations of context-specificity do not in themselves establish the correctness of this view as they can be readily interpreted as showing simply that the effects of pre-exposure interfere less with acquisition when conditioning takes place in different context .
17 It follows that such noisy groups of youngsters whether in canoes , on cycles or on foot , need to be broken down into smaller groups each controlled by a responsible competent leader or instructor until such time as they become mature canoeists and are able to appreciate the magic and wonder of their surroundings .
18 On Sundays , premises in respect of which a six-day licence is in force are only entitled to supply alcoholic liquor to such persons as they are entitled to outwith the permitted hours .
19 However , subject to the Note below , we will pay to our clients the equivalent of such damages as they would be entitled to receive under English law in an English court for any personal injury to the client including illness or death , caused by the negligence , as understood in English law , of the servants or agents of ourselves or of any of our suppliers contracted or sub-contracted by us to provide any part of the arrangements for your holiday as described in this brochure , or excursions as described above , except for air or sea transportation arrangements for which separate conditions apply ( see 8 opposite ) .
20 I was not alone in the way I identified with the saga of the March family , nor was I alone in identifying with Jo ( and presumably all readers do ) in her hurts and disappointments , her longings for femininity that clashed with her dreams of independence and achievement ; and in wishing for the ultimate fairness of all things as they were shaped by those nineteenth century moral certainties .
21 Richard 's parents were also in favour of this proposal as they were not very keen on their son entering the Christian Ministry .
22 The bank finally agreed to loan sixteen thousand pounds for the business plus overdraught facilities and a further nine thousand pounds secured on our client 's home repayable over five years , any further mortgage over a future was to be arranged elsewhere and my Lord er will hear that in fact the , having the sale of their home having been completed on the fifth of December the plaintiffs were then homeless for some three months living with their daughter until such times as they were able to arrange a mortgage on their present property with the Halifax .
23 The questions posed by the existence of the asylums thus remained as unanswered at the end of these closures as they had been at the inception of their planning in 1978 , when NETRHA officers too were also beginning the difficult task of addressing them .
24 In this test the sample is subjected to a periodic load ( or displacement ) , and a complex modulus is found which , for linear viscoelasticity , relates the stress — to the strain , these no longer being in phase with each other as they are for elastic materials .
25 On the one hand , it was simply the period required for the sun , moon , and planets to attain the same positions in relation to each other as they had at a given time .
26 Once on the needles , the two pieces of knitting ca n't ‘ creep ’ in relation to each other as they can when sewing by hand or machine , so your horizontal bands will match exactly .
27 In the end , it is this concise statement more than any other that will set the direction , and probably the pace , for improvement across all sites as they seek to attain a level of performance that has been demonstrated as fully attainable elsewhere in the same company .
28 The wood was loosely stacked to provide the rabbits with temporary cover until such time as they enlarged the burrows themselves .
29 Our results will be reviewed with great interest in this context as they may show that the risk of cancer will be less after highly selective vagotomy than after truncal vagotomy .
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