Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] [noun prp] over [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Witness the attempt to use the impeachment process against Lincoln 's successor , Andrew Johnson ; the defeat of Wilson over the Treaty of Versailles and the routing of his party in the 1920 election .
2 He also brought to an end , but not without difficulty , the suit which had begun between the archbishop and the chapter of Canterbury over the church of Lambeth , which the same archbishop , against the will of the chapter , had built and endowed with many and substantial rents , instituting canons regular in it — noble men , powerful and educated .
3 The Bolger government was further discomfited by renewed tension with France over the Rainbow Warrior affair .
4 Mubarak reportedly emphasized the " pressing " need for pan-Arab unity in the face of a possible renewed confrontation with Israel over the resettlement of Soviet Jews in its occupied territories , at a time when the US-sponsored peace formula for the region had been rejected by Israel .
5 Hepper Robinson in Middlesbrough is run by two managers , Alan and Stephen Brown , who are due to receive details of the MBO deal from RE over the weekend .
6 After 1870 industrialization and urbanization entered a new phase , which economic historians have designated the second industrial revolution to distinguish it from the coming of industry to Britain over a century earlier .
7 In 610 a combined Avar-Slav army thrust across the karst , following the route of Theodosius over the Pear Tree Pass ( Hrušica ) and the Vipava valley .
8 However , Russia formally protested to the Council of Europe over the status of Russians in the Baltic states , it was reported in The Baltic Independent of May 15-21 .
9 There was correspondence with Woburn over the construction of a shelter for orange trees , to be added to an existing wall , with a moveable roof erected every autumn .
10 The USA would enter into a direct dialogue with Vietnam over the issue of Cambodia .
11 Baker also announced that the USA would enter into a direct dialogue with Vietnam over the issue of Cambodia and that it might be prepared to provide humanitarian aid to the SOC government .
12 POLICE suspect an organised gang of car thieves was at work in Darlington over the weekend .
13 VANDALS who broke into an Orange hall outside Armagh over the weekend damaged a large drum , smashed three windows and ransacked the interior .
14 Although its size is not yet known , suggestions have been made that it was larger than a normal auxiliary fort and may have accommodated either a vexillation , possibly of Legio IX , whose tile-works may have been situated some 8 km ( 5 miles ) south of Carlisle at Scalesceugh , ( though the stamped tiles from there may belong to a slightly later period ) , or the Ala Petriana before its transfer to Stanwix over the river .
15 DISCUSSIONS have been taking place in Birkenhead over the future of St Laurence 's parish , and one proposal is that it should be joined to Our Lady 's Parish .
16 Firstly , they could send requests to Paris asking for the abolition or limitation of the judicial control of the Parlement in Paris over the duchy 's courts .
17 JOHN Major will be given a rough ride at the Tory conference in October over the Government 's handling of the economy .
18 As a result , there was serious unrest in Poland over the summer and in Hungary Imre Nagy took steps to create a multi-party state and withdraw from the Warsaw Fact .
19 Here , a photo of a cup of cappuccino is superimposed on a picture of the Grand Canal in Venice over the headline ‘ Nescafé Cappuccino .
20 TWO Irishmen have declared war on Britain over a lump of rock .
21 He used the event to test modifications to his Peugeot 205 GTi , carried out by Autotech of Thirsk over the winter season .
22 In order to head off conflict with Ghana over the replacement , assurances were later given that Quainoo would remain as overall commander , with Dogonyaro in charge of field operations .
23 But the conflict with Armenia over the enclave of Nagorno-Karabakh is never far from anyone 's mind .
24 Mr Heddle , aged 48 , was due to appear in court in Spain over a parking dispute while in Benidorm in May .
25 Some of the ‘ twitchers ’ at Britain 's first Birdwatching Fair , held at Rutland Water in Leicestershire over the weekend .
26 The government , says Roith , should take some of the credit for the growth in computer literacy in Britain over the past half a decade .
27 Serious political divisions within the Congress , whose proceedings were brought to a standstill in October over the impeachment of the Minister of Public Works and Communications and the subsequent dismissal of the Congress president [ see pp. 37771-72 ] , threatened prolonged instability as did continued labour protests against anti-inflationary measures , culminating in a 24-hour general strike on Feb. 6 , 1991 [ see p. 38001 ] .
28 Two depositors , who together lost £400,000 , have gone on hunger strike at Westminster over the case .
29 there were hundreds of would be champions turning up at Eastnor Park in Herefordshire over the weekend to ride in the National Mountain Bike Championships … watching them race over 30 miles our man Robin Powell
30 there were hundreds of would be champions turning up at Eastnor Park in Herefordshire over the weekend to ride in the National Mountain Bike Championships … watching them race over 30 miles our man Robin Powell
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