Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] [noun prp] [adv] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 McManaman was responsible for regaining the advantage for Liverpool late in the game and one or two of Beresford 's late tackles indicated just how much Portsmouth feared him .
2 Disregarding his work as Member of Parliament for Abingdon almost to the point of neglect , he helped Amy with every decision and chore .
3 DAVID PLATT celebrated his Italian league debut for Juventus yesterday with the goal that earned them a 2-2 draw at Genoa .
4 Shearer returns to The Dell for Blackburn tomorrow for the first time since his £3.6 million transfer in the summer , anxious to make life even more uneasy for Branfoot .
5 Captain McCann ( inset , left ) is one of two masters in command of Buffalo and , with Captain Nick Spencer ( inset , right ) , was with the ship during the Fleet Review off Holyhead earlier in the week .
6 Further on , the road crosses open moorland to arrive at Grudie Bridge , which is not now the delightful picnic spot it used to be , the old stone bridge having been replaced and many of the noble pines sacrificed to road widening ; nothing , however , can diminish the majesty of Slioch directly across the water .
7 There is still a great deal of Greece all through the Tartarin and Daumier part of this queer country , where the good folks have the accent you know ; there is a Venus of Arles just as there is a Venus of Lesbos and one still feels the youth of it , in spite of all …
8 Sadly , the gloom of World Cup failure prevails ; Denmark 's 1–0 defeat of Albania earlier in the day rendered even the most optimistic mathematician 's calculator redundant .
9 Our cell culture experiments do not support this suggestion as they did not show the synergy between EGF and TAGH that would be predicted , but because of the inhibitory effect of TAGH alone at the concentrations used , they can not refute this possibility .
10 The white marble figure of Bacchus now in the ilex walk at Ham House in Richmond , for example , is almost certainly that mentioned in a 1672 inventory — ‘ For 1 Pedastall for ye figure Bacchus ’ .
11 She 's formed her own production company , Siren Films , and after her ‘ Blonde Ambition ’ tour she plans to make Blessing In Disguise with Beatty again at the helm .
12 It was due to be signed in a ceremony in Paris later in the year or early in 1993 .
13 Two days before the flight I again telephoned my friends at Membray and received an informal briefing on Newbury along with the number for the race-course .
14 Most western donors had suspended aid to Myanma soon after the SLORC had taken control .
15 ‘ I hope we can keep a clean sheet and get revenge for our 1–0 defeat at Grimsby earlier in the season . ’
16 THE new British motor racing season moves up a gear at Silverstone today with the first big meeting of the year — and five young Ulster drivers will be part of it .
17 These restrictions on testation had disappeared over the greater part of England early in the fourteenth century , but they survived in the province of York till 1692 , in Wales till 1696 , and in London till 1724 .
18 It was possible , of course , that their man had taken his taxi to a part of London far from the place he was staying in .
19 At least the newspaper 's editorial columns served to remind me that Geneva had become part of Switzerland only in the previous year .
20 PENSIONER Sophia Hymes will be given the freedom of Chester today at the age of 91 .
21 BT has provided £75,000 in support of Teesside Tomorrow over the past three years .
22 In the course of a description of Henchard late in the novel , Hardy says , " [ QUOTE ] " .
23 Sacrosanctum Concilium speaks of the presence of Christ both in the sacraments and in the liturgical reading of the Word ( SC 7 ) ; Dei Verbum likewise speaks of ‘ the one table of the Word of God and the Body of Christ ’ ( DV 21 ) .
24 ‘ They are the people who are carrying the long glorious story of Britain forward across the years .
25 Dating has obviously become extremely inaccurate by this level compared with the precision higher up the stratigraphical column , but presumed late Precambrian glacial deposits extend from the west of Ireland up through the Highlands of Scotland and then up through Norway to Varangerfjord near its northernmost tip .
26 Sulgrave Manor is situated in the village of Sulgrave just off the B4525 road from Banbury to Northampton , 7 miles N.E. of Banbury .
27 William Tunstall , kinsman of Richard 's councillor Sir Richard Tunstall , was made water bailiff of Winchelsea early in the protectorate , for instance .
28 William Tunstall , kinsman of Richard 's councillor Sir Richard Tunstall , was made water bailiff of Winchelsea early in the protectorate , for instance .
29 This was his picture The Raising of Lazarus now in the Tate Gallery .
30 It was soon realised that the W-3 had remarkable capabilities as demonstrated to the press on Hounslow Heath near London later in the month .
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