Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] [adj] [noun] [be] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 The problem , in other words , for the British in arguing their case for free trade is that they are up against a deep cultural divide which separates them from most of the other Member States .
2 Another difficulty for local authorities was that they had not developed a culture of objective evaluation ; few used good research methods to evaluate the costs and benefits of innovative schemes .
3 The latter must show that the transgression was due to the act of another , and the general rule for criminal liability is that an employer will not be vicariously liable for his employee 's crimes .
4 ‘ Because some individuals might benefit more than others and the rule for public works is that all must benefit indifferently , or none may benefit at all .
5 A dilemma for British reformers is whether to list or illustrate the types of impairment envisaged .
6 The metric equation for free fall is so that .
7 Camping and caravanning is a pursuit that attracts people of all ages and walks of life , and the bonus for retired people is that they can travel when the roads are empty of working holidaymakers .
8 The disadvantage for sequential processing is that there will be several rotations during the processing of a track with overflow .
9 Since the condition for effective crack-stopping is that we have to weaken the material by a factor of five , the process does not sound a very promising one .
10 My big fear after Old Trafford is that the selectors will again follow Gooch blind .
11 The only result of clerical opposition was that the established Church once again forfeited its chance to control developments .
12 The irony of black power is that just as whites once used skin colour as a source of privilege , so blacks now use it as a source of entitlement .
13 The great tragedy of modern music is that , despite an evolution of the musical language to a state of extreme refinement and complexity , the results are less and less significant from a human point of view .
14 One indication of current priorities is that Making Belfast Work has less money committed to it in total over four years than is spent on prisons in a single year .
15 The other piece of useful advice is that the woman should pass water as soon as possible after intercourse , as t his too seems to make t his recurrent problem less likely .
16 One piece of good news is that Clinton has stated that he will not go as far as a recent legislative proposal , which would have required certain foreign-owned firms and branches to report a minimum amount of US taxable income .
17 Perhaps the one piece of good news is that ‘ Kent R Allen , chief financial officer of the company , has resigned to pursue other interests ’ : put most diplomatically .
18 A piece of hot news is that we now have an offer from BR to visit the Shrewsbury signal box on the 6th of April , though the number of visitors is limited to twenty .
19 Her excuse for this piece of academic snobbery was that classes were held there in lecture theatres and that the first desk would be too far away from the chalkboard .
20 The only other piece of important advice is that , although you can walk anywhere in Scotland , you are not entitled to camp without permission .
21 One problem with the Royal College of General Practitioners is that it seems to equate general practice exclusively with being an NHS general practitioner .
22 Another effect of water-borne sound is that the dolphin " sees " its prey very differently to the bat .
23 One of the reasons for the beneficial effect of dietary fibre is that it reduces the absorption of cholesterol — but there are other ways , too , in which it would appear to perform useful functions in keeping the heart healthy .
24 An added bonus of dry-type filters is that the bacteria are not diminishing the oxygen level in the aquarium water as occurs with wet systems plumbed into the aquarium .
25 The pleasure of long rivers is that no two trips along them are ever even similar .
26 A justification for talk of abstract ideas is that it provides an explanation of how our thought and knowledge can be general ; ‘ how we can know any proposition to be true of all particular triangles , except we have first seen it demonstrated of the abstract idea of a triangle . ’
27 The essence of personal pensions was that it extended choice and encouraged personal saving .
28 The theoretical explanation of the universality of electric charge is that the electric current of the charges particles involved in an electromagnetic process must be conserved so that charge can not be created or destroyed .
29 A major disadvantage of chemical control is that pesticides are now applied very inefficiently .
30 The big disadvantage of conventional paints is that they contain a high percentage of solvents which evaporate when the paint dries and leave traces in the atmosphere .
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