Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] [art] [noun pl] [adv] the " in BNC.

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1 Well for starters you have to have minus sine for the coses now the square would be erm cubed over three .
2 On April 3 the US State Department spokeswoman , Margaret Tutwiler , said after talks between Kurdish leaders and a high-level US delegation that the administration would " urgently consider " humanitarian aid to the Kurds once the UN ceasefire resolution had been agreed .
3 First , if there is a large random error in the measurements then the fitted curve is unlikely to show the underlying trend realistically .
4 Baldersdale was far too remote for any of the gentry to be interested in building a country residence there All the more accessible dales had their halls , manors and castles , but the high moors sweeping up to 1,500 feet above the valley of Baldersdale was the habitat of a creature which every aristocrat , and many wealthy merchants and other nouveau riche with aristocratic pretensions pursued , then and now , with fanatical zeal — Lagopus scoticus , feathered-footed member of the Tetraonidae family , otherwise known as the red grouse For the locals it meant an extra cash crop during the days following the Glorious Twelfth — the shillings and sovereigns tossed , somewhat disdainfully , at them for providing a back-up service , such as beating the heather to alarm the birds into the air and towards the buckshot , or placing their horses and wagons at the disposal of their lordships so that ammunition , lunch and the essential bottles of whisky could be transported to the guns and the day 's bag of slain birds brought safely to the all-important count .
5 In this respect , RENFE benefited from its special status as a symbolic embodiment of the processes of democratization in the years following the death of Franco .
6 The Tokyo stock market staged a limited recovery in the days following the discovery of the scandal , but trade remained generally at much lower levels than in recent years as the depression which had gripped the market since the start of 1989 continued its course .
7 At first , the Lord Chief Justice 's pronouncements appeared to have had the desired effect , as the average length of prison sentences imposed on males aged 17 and above for indictable offences fell in both the magistrates ' court and the Crown Court in the months following the cases of R. v.
8 Such was the message put across by Francoist propaganda in the months following the end of hostilities .
9 As an alternative means of adding security , the bill[s] of exchange may be sent with shipping documents — the buyer only obtains title to the goods once the bill[s] have been accepted for payment at a future date [ or , if the bill is payable ‘ at sight ’ , when payment has been made ] .
10 The book was influential in the abolition of the tied cottage in the years following the war .
11 This was despite the fact that the media had reacted in support of the government and the Constitution during the days following the attempted coup .
12 The Syrian stance during the weeks following the invasion effectively confirmed the country 's return to mainstream regional politics and led to the formation of a new close alignment between Syria and Egypt [ for recent improvement in Egyptian-Syrian relations see pp. 37471 ; 37626 ] .
13 The landlord has parted with control of the premises so the tenant will be the occupier .
14 Because he could jigger up the doors just the same as anybody else .
15 Because Times is a fairly heavy face , that is , it looks very dark when there 's a lot of it on the page , we 'll lighten it a little by having more space between the lines so the leading or inter-line spacing will be set to 11pt .
16 Everyone I spoke to was against the widening of the roads especially the steep pass down into Kinlochewe .
17 The relative stability in the months following the purported declaration of independence back in May last year was very welcome and we must do all that we can to re-establish it , but sheer names on pieces of paper will not do so .
18 If for some reason there is such an obligation on the trustees then the hold-over claim should be submitted immediately after the creation of the trust .
19 From the small Countryside Centre at Hillend , ( ) you may have further information about the Hills especially the Countryside Parks of Hillend and Bonaly .
20 Employment in the years following the childrearing phase is also important in enabling married and divorced women to obtain a significant improvement in their occupational pension entitlement , and reduce the concentration of poverty among elderly women .
21 We 've even matched the colour of the gift wrap to the decorations so the presents around the tree help balance the overall effect .
22 O If the buyer pays by way of deposit a sum less than 10% of the purchase price then in the event of the seller becoming entitled to forfeit the deposit under the terms hereof the buyer shall forthwith pay to the seller or the seller 's conveyancer a sum equal to the difference between the deposit already paid and 10% of the total purchase price .
23 In the past where an item had been lost or stolen which was originally purchased abroad and the Claimant admitted that no customs duty had been paid our liability was the value of the goods less the amount of any duty payable .
24 He begins with a complimentary description of the walled orchard , which had survived the destruction of the castle in the years following the ‘ 45 .
25 Securing the suppression of the foreign slave trade might be achieved in part in wartime by naval power but otherwise was mainly seen as requiring lobbying of and consultation with ministers , communicating with British diplomats and naval commanders for information and to provide stimulus to intervention in particular cases and pressing arguments upon foreign leaders , particularly during the Congress phase of European diplomacy in the years following the defeat of Napoleon .
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