Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] [noun sg] [prep] [noun pl] the " in BNC.

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1 Thus under a contract for sale of goods the seller commits a breach of fundamental term if he delivers goods of a wholly different kind to those contracted for .
2 And , it could be argued , the lower the initial level of consumption by producers the greater will be the link between productivity and consumption .
3 To allow for this degree of participation by wives the buildings were designed to make manual work easy or unnecessary .
4 A questionnaire had been circulated earlier in the year , and from that the steering committee had outlined ‘ valuable feedback ’ , indicating the sort of programme of events the branch needed .
5 With such a wide choice of foods I have no doubt that by selecting foods high in fibre in preference to others the condition would soon regulate itself .
6 not a constable but is protecting or escorting another person by virtue of powers the same as or similar to those of a constable for that purpose ;
7 The grounds on which the father relied were , inter alia , that ( 1 ) the justices heard evidence from which they could properly conclude that his costs had been incurred as a result of the actions and omissions of the local authority ; ( 2 ) as there was no machinery for taxation of costs the justices were correct to assess the amount of the costs ; ( 3 ) the father was entitled to his costs incurred in the Family Proceedings court to the extent allowable under the Legal Aid in Family Proceedings ( Remuneration ) Regulations 1991 and the justices were correct to hold that the actions of the local authority justified making the costs order which included the costs of the hearing on 27 and 28 January 1992 .
8 The octagonal shrine , the Dalada Maligawa , houses the tooth-relic of Buddha , an object of veneration for Buddhists the world over .
9 My Lord by way of facts the first named plaintiff Mr is now er fifty eight years of age and he and his wife live in Brentwood er both are named as plaintiffs because their joint monies were expended in the purchase of the , this business and they were both parties to the purchase erm but it is clear that Mr in fact did all the negotiations for the purchase and the planning and the running of this business and he is er the prime witness on behalf of the plaintiff .
10 I had a cup of tea round Heathers the other night , I do n't know what it was .
11 However , on the matter of payment for breaks the following are the points which must apply for any shift worked whether Day , Night , Early or Back shift .
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