Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] [be] [vb pp] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Workers at Smiths Industries in Gloucestershire are to take industrial action after being refused a pay rise .
2 In Morgan v. Palmer ( 1824 ) 2 B. & C. 729 it was held that the plaintiff was entitled to recover from the Mayor of Great Yarmouth a sum which he had been required to pay as a condition of being granted a renewal of his publican 's licence , the payment having been demanded without lawful authority .
3 In fact , the two separate incidents concerned a 3-year-old girl who was enticed into woods near her home and sexually assaulted and then soon afterwards , a 3-year-old boy who was abducted from a play area and driven off at high speed before being dumped a mile and a half away forty minutes later .
4 At a meeting in the Rummer Tavern ( which still exists in rebuilt form a few doors from Cottle 's former bookshop ) he was persuaded by ‘ sundry Philanthropists ’ and opponents of the war to begin publication of a periodical to be called the Watchman .
5 But six days before its due to be screened the film is at the centre of a row .
6 The American public wanted this new President to be given a chance to try out his programs .
7 They concluded that the goals for the new programme were ambitious , maybe too ambitious , but that this was a programme to be taken every bit as seriously as its predecessor .
8 We called for a code of practice to be given the force of law .
9 Guy Krenzer , senior sous chef at the Ritz , has become the youngest chef to be awarded the title of Meilleur Ouvrier de France ( MOF ) .
10 Mr Martin Holgate , formerly chief scientist at the environment department and now director general of the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources based in Geneva , will summarise the possible action to be taken a role which he performed brilliantly at the recent London ozone conference .
11 Vernon Bogdaner a reader in government at the University and a Fellow of Brasenose College , says he too is in favour of P R , and wants the electorate to be given the chance to vote on the issue .
12 Above all , you need to take advantage of being given the chance to put your own point of view .
13 But his grandfather he only saw in brief glimpses , when James called in the hope of being given a shilling .
14 " Private Eye " fell into this trap when it beat off an interim injunction from Robert Maxwell by promising to prove at trial that he had financed Neil Kinnock 's foreign travel in the hope of being awarded a peerage .
15 That would kind of be kept a bit quiet was it ?
16 It would have served as a substitute-gratification for their own sadism ( i.e. , ‘ I can not retaliate against my father , but I can against my younger brother ’ ) ; but also as a defence on the part of the ego ( i.e. , ‘ I am spared the anxiety of being made the object of an attack if I can instead become the attacker ’ ) ; finally , it would also have contributed a first , rudimentary focus for the superego ( i.e. , ‘ My father is not now the attacker — I am — hence I am to that extent my father ! ’ ) .
17 His new bride , a spinster in her thirties called Elizabeth Shaw , would bring him one further child before being left a widow .
18 There 's no going back from Grey 's capture — not until time has dulled the sting , at least , and made it possible to mention peace without being called a traitor by some city haberdasher in the commons .
19 The Council of Nicaea was the largest assembly of bishops hitherto , and though the great majority of the members were from the Greek East , the presence of Roman legates and the prominent role played by the sees of Alexandria and Antioch made it possible for the council to be given the title ‘ ecumenical ’ .
20 Unable to come in for a presentation , Archie was visited at home to be given a retirement gift from the company and one from his colleagues .
21 The number of top lady paddlers in sprint , shalom and coaching is legion and it would be invidious of me to select names although one has honoured canoeing by being awarded an MBE a few years ago and more recently one has completed almost the ultimate in canoe expeditions by paddling round the Horn .
22 There is a difference between being called a customer and being regarded as one , which seems entirely to have escaped BR .
23 But what then is the difference between being told the truth and being shown it , and does the difference really matter ?
24 For his day 's exploits , he became the first American in the war to be awarded the Légion d'Honneur .
25 As Bishop Thomas Brinton of Rochester said when preaching at the time of the Black Prince 's death in the summer of 1376 , it was part of a knight 's duty to help his king in time of war ; failure to do so meant loss of the right to be called a knight , which was both a sign of honour and a mark of responsibility which had to be lived up to .
26 Well to-do visitors would have taken it as their right to be given a tour of the house and gardens as they travelled the country in past centuries — today visitors from all over the world come to Blenheim — their entrance fees paying for its up-keep .
27 It was as if a woman who thus lowered herself disowned her right to be considered a person , a soul ; as if it would be no sin to take advantage of her lust because one could not possibly soil her any further .
28 If , in order for the creditor to obtain an unimpeachable security , the law requires the surety to be given an explanation of the effect of the security documents , the creditor is placed in an invidious position .
29 It seemed a hideous unthinkable accident to be born a man , so you would have to become a soldier .
30 It is by no means unheard of for a band to be offered a deal on nothing more than a ‘ concept ’ .
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