Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] [pron] we have [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 The general election will be the opportunity for which we have waited .
2 We will complete the new British Library building for which we have provided £450 million .
3 And , very hard working people have had to do the fighting for what we have got !
4 For all of us , happiness is the result of everything we have experienced and possessed in life .
5 As the prophet Jesus could say with authority , ‘ Amen , amen I say unto you , ’ and claim to speak final truth about God , ‘ We speak of what we know , and bear witness of what we have seen ’ ( John 3:11 ) .
6 Subscribers may have noticed the scepticism with which we have tended to greet analysts ' forecasts for IBM Corp 's earnings , and invariably their forecasts have proved too optimistic — but it seems to take time for the true awfulness of the situation to sink in with them .
7 It is normal practice with ASU Schemes for premiums to be collected , and certificates of insurance to be issued , by the financial institution with whom we have arranged cover .
8 No-one likes a relationship to fail , and most of us strive to stay in one , only giving up with great sadness and when the good in whatever we have shared is finally outweighed by the bad .
9 Apathy is a state of mind in which we have given up and no longer exercise control over our lives .
10 He does not supplement but instead denies the view of causation to which we have come .
11 Effects are such , on the view of causation to which we have come , since there is the possibility of finding those things which no matter their accompaniment would still have been followed by the effect .
12 Employing those conceptions , we can ask how we can know that we have succeeded in referring to anything , and how we can know that we have come up with an accurate description of what we have referred to .
13 Instead he proposes an approach that asks the question ‘ How do these people deal with certain basic human predicaments ? ’ and makes the pertinent point that ‘ the problem is not the quality we have isolated , e.g. , aggression , but how far we can get with an adequate description of what we have found ’ .
14 It has been a day which commenced so stunningly with the horse and carriage procession , swept forward with the harmonious , soaring , musical arrangements at the wedding ceremony , and has culminated in the utter perfection of the gourmet dinner , all in keeping with what we have come to expect from the organizational abilities of one of the world 's paragons .
15 But Exodus 1.8 read , ‘ Now there arose a new king over Egypt , who did not know Joseph , ’ and then began the story of Egyptian brutality and oppression to which we have already referred , and after that we are back with the tales of the Israelites ' stubborn complaining in the wilderness with which we have become so familiar .
16 We have provided comics , magazines , records and cassettes ; we have installed comfortable seating and modern furniture , and have laid on numerous events and activities : we have been successful in updating our image , but one of the consequences of our success has been the degree to which we have attracted the rowdier elements of the local youth .
17 Indeed the type of ceremonial gift exchange to which we have referred seems to be based on egalitarian notions of reciprocity and sharing .
18 The above example may appear something of a curioso , but it illustrates another example of the distinction between what we have referred to as the ‘ traditional ’ approach and the public choice approach to public finance .
19 I think I should start by stressing the process through which we have gone in order to prepare this report has been somewhat different this year from that which we followed in the past and
20 The shift towards greater delegation , role specialization and collective decision-making in primary schools , and the emergence of what we have termed departmental , three-tier and matrix management structures , appears to be an inevitable and necessary consequence of the growing complexity of the work of primary schools and the diminishing currency of the ‘ jack of all trades ’ view of the class teacher 's and head 's roles .
21 And this is the basis on which the D O E have put in their figure , it 's the basis on which we have put in a figure for vacant dwellings , and also the H B F.
22 Firstly the process of moving down towards our S S A needs to be facilitated because my own instinct is that the government , faced with all sorts of financial tribulations , is going to take a harder and harder nosed attitude towards local government expenditure , as it will unfortunately with an awful lot of the rest of what we have come to expect over the decades to be the responsibility of central government , clearly the current expenditure review is going to have some nasty shocks in it for consumers of account services , consumers of other assets of the welfare state but particularly I would suspect , the local government .
23 Psychiatrists working in the area of weight control have discovered that we need our ‘ psychological fill ’ as well as our physical fill of food in order to feel content with what we have eaten .
24 ( J. R. N. Lazier , manuscript in preparation ) has updated the time series of ref. 3 of temperature on the density surface from which we have inferred salinity ( Fig. 2 a ) .
25 ‘ Since VJ day , the majority people of the area , the Vietnamese , have stubbornly resisted the re-establishment of French authority , a struggle in which we have tried to maintain so far as possible the position of non-support of either party ’ .
26 This paper presents an improvement of this technique in which we have used voluntary , respiratory gating and have been able to obtain images for periods of 2–3 hours .
27 I have already made my views clear : officials have written to every education authority about which we have received evidence of a failure to carry out its statutory duties — and we will continue to pursue the matter vigorously .
28 We will pay to you such sum as may be fair and reasonable in all the circumstances of the case in respect of work performed by you under this order prior to cancellation , and in respect of which we have received the benefit .
29 Bishop Walsh said : ‘ This has been a week of horror , a week of terror , a week in which we have seen a terrifying escalation of violence , a vicious onslaught of murders , attempted murders and attacks on homes . ’
30 ‘ This has been a week of horror , a week of terror , a week in which we have seen a terrifying escalation of violence , a vicious onslaught of murders , attempted murders and attacks on homes , ’ he added .
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