Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] [noun] [prep] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The computer centre nominated the charity and presented a cheque for £500 to from the Cancer Research shop in Ipswich at the end of August .
2 During the early post-war period , the twenty-year period from 1951 to 1971 , as evidenced by the years 1951 , 1961 and 1971 , there was little reporting of rape outside of the News of the World .
3 Major work continues in Newark town centre with the closure of part of in the Beesmarket Hill area of the town .
4 Major work continues in Newark town centre with the closure of part of in the
5 Having recommended acceptance and implementation at their annual meeting in Wellington , New Zealand , the IRB — as a result of reaction from within the game — will , however , shy away from a proposed four-year moratorium on change .
6 He saw a splash of white in among the greens of the vegetation : it was Marie 's hair .
9 Now that the shouting is over and the most homophobic piece of legislation for over a century is on the statute books , lesbians and gays are picking themselves up and asking if our involvement with local government was really worth the effort .
10 So the best thing is to put the piece of paper in in a wadge and then come out on the outside and pack it vertically and put them next to each other like that .
11 He could hear only a faint murmur of voices from behind the closed door .
12 These were lots 228 , a South Indian bronze figure of Siva-Nataraja of around the eleventh century , estimated at Rs 75,00,000–85,00,000 , and 238 , a South Indian bronze figure of Sukhasana Siva , Chola , of around the twelfth century , estimated at Rs 50,00,000–60,00,000 .
13 The Games Administration Committee , who sometime ago reiterated their determination to take strong action in relation to off the ball incidents , have obviously decided that Carr 's action merited severe censure .
14 In my opinion , taken as a proportion of travelling time by persons travelling by car from employment in the Leeds conurbation to the York area , the extra involved in travelling past York on the A sixty four , is quite slight and there 's plenty of evidence that numbers of people er travel to the Leeds conurbation from the north eastern part of York by by the A sixty four regularly .
15 There is nothing within that model to imply a change in the response of consumption to as a result of a change in the Y t process : expectations in this model are not being formed in accordance with the process driving Y t , so a change in that process does not imply any change in the expectations forming process .
16 pigeon hole , you know it 's just like bit of , scrap of paper with like a few names on it
17 There was also the background chorus of opposition from across the Bristol Channel .
18 At Dunstable , where the rebels were townsmen , they tried to restrict freedom of trade to within the borough , whereas the rural Essex rebels had followed precisely the opposite policy , and at Yarmouth the insurgents , drawn from the neighbouring countryside attempted to overthrow the rights of the municipality ( 98 , pp.41 , 108–11 ) .
19 Yeah there 's quite a bit of flu about at the moment is n't there ?
20 This tax invoice now assumes many of the characteristics we have come to associate with an internal VAT invoice , for not only will it show the customer 's VAT number , it will also be used by the UK acquirer of goods from within the EC as evidence to recover acquisition tax .
21 Well , Ian Smith Ryedale , I think in the majority of views across from the ring road you have a belt of open countryside before that suburban housing .
22 First one , er relates to the point made by the Barton Willmore representative , that no account has been taken of additional land that would be needed er for the settlement , for shops , er community facilities , and other infrastructure , er and of course that land is not available , well in fact the opposite is the case if the new settlement is not provided , because the infrastructure is available within York city , and the York city document er A eight double O nine , paragraph six , makes it very clear that the city is capable of accommodating the needs within its city boundaries where that fr infrastructure is available , er to that extent there is a further argument against the settlement , and that is that the settlement would be duplicating the provision of resources outside of the city , where those resources can actually accommodate it within the city .
23 Since 1979 , it has announced special awards to senior women in the visual arts and also mid-career achievement awards for significant contributions to the Women 's Caucus for Art of to the furthering of its goals .
24 St. Margaret , Queen of Scotland from about the year of the Norman conquest to 1093 , was riding in a litter attended by a company of soldiers and a priest who read to her from a Gospel Book .
25 Any law which directly or indirectly discourages the publication of views from within the criminal justice system must be viewed with suspicion .
26 Although this is certainly borne out by the example of Nizan himself who experienced a degree of mistrust from within the ranks of the PCF as a consequence of his petty bourgeois class origins and schooling , ultimately this is of secondary importance compared to Nizan 's overriding reason for being in the communist party in the first place .
27 There would , therefore be this degree of uncertainty At about the actual time at which the radiation was released .
28 The percentage of rivers in in the U K in the classes one and two , which are good and satisfactory , are far higher , in the U K , than they are in Europe .
29 This is an example of an attempt to grapple with the issue of discontinuity from within a problematic which allows it no space .
30 This suggests important late fourth century changes in the nature of Ilchester , probably involving a contraction of occupation to within the defences due to growing insecurity .
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