Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] [noun] [be] [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The motions in causal interaction with the facing of facts are incipient motions towards goals , spontaneous desires or aversions , and to prefer one inclination in the light of ‘ Face facts ’ is to choose its goal as an end .
2 Lady Tanlaw and the Countess of Euston were joint hostesses at a reception held in aid of a reception held in aid of the Elizabeth FitzRoy Homes , in the magnificent showroom of Garrard the Crown Jewellers .
3 While the example of Kepler illustrates the influence of artistic practice on a ‘ scientist ’ ( which is not Kemp 's primary concern ) , discussion of this instance would have enhanced considerably the author 's argument that both the theory and practice of perspective were significant resources for the Scientific Revolution of the seventeenth century .
4 To either side of Pau are old places which were once the capital of Béarn .
5 All around the coast of Lanzarote are long beaches of dark golden sand , washed by the clear blue Atlantic ocean — and , if you 're a windsurfing fanatic , then Lanzarote is the one place for you as it 's one of the world 's top resorts with excellent facilities for both beginners and the more experienced .
6 His conclusion is that the forces behind organised crime in America are leading members of the ruling group , and the book 's subtitle is ‘ From Petty Crooks to Presidents ’ .
7 The most important determining social force to Durkheim was collective sentiments , and especially religion — a factor which some would describe as ‘ cultural ’ and Marxists tend to characterize as ‘ ideological ’ .
8 At one end of the spectrum of opinion were xenophobic seclusionists who argued that relations with foreigners would be morally as well as politically disastrous .
9 The second category of budget-holder were general practitioners .
10 The third category of purchaser was private patients and insurers such as BUPA .
11 Underlying the behaviour of an apparently undifferentiated and chaotic mass of hooligans are distinct rules and moral careers .
12 Here the idea of the economic plan and the notion of the building of communism are integrative mechanisms which bind the elite as much as the non-elites ’ ( Lane 1982 , p. 139 ) .
13 Both Dorothea 's discomforting sense of an almost impassable gulf dividing rich and poor and their peculiar confidence in the building of cottages are slight anachronisms in the early 1830s ; by the 1870s they are pervasive assumptions , indicating that , in the forty intervening years , attitudes to the poor and their houses had undergone a radical change .
14 The majority of women are single parents and about half have needed assistance with social security benefits .
15 The huge majority of humanity are earthy clods for whom no hope may be entertained .
16 The styles of learning in Koranic schools and catechist classes have predictable effects on the way children learn in school , but the missionary tradition in education is responsible for so much else besides , ( over a long period of the history of formal education the great majority of schools were missionary schools ) .
17 The majority of sufferers are teenage girls with strong characters who come from disturbed family backgrounds .
18 Scientists from the University of Massachusetts are developing plastics using an organic base of starch , glucose or lactic acid to which micro-organisms are added .
19 Brigham Young University and the University of Utah are great rivals and the presidents saw this as an opportunity to ‘ fuse ’ the two institutions to their greater mutual glory .
20 Newspaper correspondents and representatives of the Ministry of Information were frequent visitors to Burma , and we did our best to give them what news we had , to tell them about government hopes and plans , and to extract from them any news and wisdom they had to give us .
21 The largest proportion of absences are proper nouns and foreign words which account for 78% of the missing tokens ( 75% of the types ) .
22 The receipt of money and the audit of accounts were routine operations which the Exchequer conducted all the time without needing any instruction or authorization for doing so .
23 The white paper says : ‘ As a general rule , matters such as the need for a generating station , its capacity , choice of fuel and type of plant are commercial matters for the applicant for such consent .
24 A typical example of this type of training is explosive press-ups .
25 MAN-MADE membranes that allow some charged molecules ( ions ) to pass through them but prevent the passage of others are important components of many medical and technological systems .
26 The United Nations Development Programme , the World Medical Association , and the Council of Europe are other examples of transnational organisations which are providing guidelines for controlling the spread of AIDS and offering strategies for collaboration in caring for people who are infected .
27 Personal convictions provide the strongest pressure in making professional judgments , and two of the most powerful and most relevant in the question of censorship are moral principles and political beliefs .
28 The accurate presentation to any doctor seeing a patient of that patient 's record , the full and easy referral to past treatment and the ease of transfer of records are obvious benefits .
29 Most of the coastal towns , from Pula in Istria , with its magnificent amphitheatre , to Stari Bar in Montenegro were Roman ports , some , like Epidaurus ( Cavtat ) , being built on Greek foundations .
30 At the Ikon Gallery in Birmingham are plotted-out paintings by Pam Skelton and exuberant , over-the-top sculptures and drawings by Simon Moller .
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