Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] [noun] that [vb past] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 But it was not his opinions so much as their force of expression that caused his hearers to stare at him in awe on these occasions .
2 It compelled him to look closer ; to feel the smooth , damp surface ; to grasp the ring of iron that held it prisoner ; to look into the black space behind it .
3 In comparison to his contemporaries in 1967 he had completed a lot more films than most ; the difference was that his were a succession of B-movies that paid him little .
4 The infusion of desire that rushed her was so immense that she obeyed instantly , drawing her legs up to his hips .
5 And it finds an echo in the chapter of Isaiah that formed our first lesson ; the word ‘ peace ’ is n't actually used , but the picture of deliverance has a thread of divine peace running all the way through it .
6 The child might never have known his or her grandfather nor seen the small piece of land that made him a landlord , yet the child remained stubbornly a landlord in official eyes decades after land reform .
7 I mean , it could be just a piece of grass that cut him .
8 Only now that he was safe did he feel a little black jet of fear rising in his chest , a gobbet of bile that filled his mouth , washing his teeth in acid .
9 She saw Naylor 's sharp glance go over her , but , while she quickly lowered her glance , she could do nothing about the unexpected riot of colour that flooded her face .
10 There was a thread of anger in the question , but Fran ignored it , just as she forced herself to ignore the sudden surge of hope that filled her heart .
11 In that instant , Juliet felt a surge of happiness that filled her chest and almost engulfed her .
12 It was there within them , a fiery surge of power that raced their breath .
13 He played a leading role in the $5m deal with Morrow that gave his novel Whirlwind a place in the Guinness Book of Records as the recipient of the highest ever advance for a single work of fiction .
14 It was crucial to his remarkable success in winning the nomination of his party ; without that asset it is most unlikely that he would have secured his narrow victory over Gerald Ford , but it was his insistence on remaining an outsider in spirit that limited his accomplishments in office .
15 It was furnished with a certain meanness of equipment that made them feel like poor relations .
16 It was the wickedness of men that removed her from our care .
17 Delaney and Forster were engulfed in a hammering storm of water that forced them almost to their knees .
18 The strange fragrance was stronger now , coming over the top of the rise in a wave of scent that struck him powerfully — as the scent of orange-blossom in the Mediterranean strikes a traveller who smells it for the first time .
19 And then in the second half when there were chances at both ends … it was Villa 's coolness … experience … little bit of sparkle that won it … with Dalian Atkinson hitting the winner … 2-1 to the Villa …
20 ‘ Demented I tellee , ’ Sally Dade said , revelling in this juicy bit of news that brought her so much attention .
21 Kate could n't stop the tide of colour that swept her pale cheeks .
22 ‘ This is my ghost ! ’ he would openly announce , in the kind of voice that enabled him to give an inimitable rendering of the handbag speech in The Importance of Being Earnest .
23 In a way , I think it was a kind of pride that did it .
24 To leave the enemy without hope is to make him more dangerous in the way that a cornered rat , the kind of vermin that robbed our granaries , will leap a fantastic height into the air to sink his incisors in your cheek .
25 Zitney fixed her with the kind of look that made her feel electric all over .
26 Both highly desirable , the one on the left especially ; both looked as if they would n't get on their backs for anything less than Edouard de Chavigny himself ; both had the kind of accent that made his toes curl , and made him wish he 'd opted for the more costly tailor .
27 It was this kind of evidence that led us to use the social network model in a systematic way : as Ballymacarrett is the most stable and well-established of the communities , we can conclude that the social conditions there are favourable to the emergence of a close-knit network structure of the kind often found in low-status communities ( Young and Wilmott , 1962 ) , and there is ample ethnographic evidence that a close-knit structure of this kind is capable of imposing normative consensus on its members .
28 I did a degree in Economics , and erm the first kind of history that interested me was really rather meticulous and careful and detailed economic history .
29 Connors left the Brazilian shaking his head in disbelief as he hit winners at will and showed the kind of form that rocketed him to the semi-finals last year .
30 It was abhorrence of waste of any kind of resource that motivated him .
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