Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun sg] and [pers pn] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The hospitality extended to a good meal , and before leaving we were given the facilities of a nearby chateau , where the jeep driver and I had the luxury of a hot bath , laid on by the local Mayor .
2 The ex-nurse speaks with a colourful North-East accent and she generates a warm , friendly feeling ; but underneath is a strong and determined woman who puts HER band first and will stand no nonsense .
3 I was sitting in the car park and I appreciated the area very much , it was nice , clean area but when I came to Walsall it was smoky and dirty area I 'm sorry to say that and er , but I had no alternative but to stay here because my father was here , I had no money and er , I thought because of relations job prospects might be better here than elsewhere .
4 As part of an alternative approach the Society suggested that local authorities should comply with a Code of Tendering Practice and they stressed the desirability of standard form tender procedure and documents .
5 I really wanted to meet people I felt far more at ease with and at that time it was the still the punk era and I met a lot of other people who were into that .
6 She 's still in regular contact with Sub-lieutenant Bacci and I have every hope that he 'll gain her confidence . ‘
7 She was asleep on a chair in the living room and I decided the most effective way to wake her would be to sing .
8 Paula began as they entered the living room and she placed the tray on the table , then began to fill the cups .
9 erm wants a minibus like his boy was in some sort of football team and they need a b need a bim need a minibus .
10 ‘ T is rent day and we want a drink as well . ’
11 Erm and so even if we had a full employment situation , we would still need an economic bonus strategy and I know the Conservatives wo n't agree with that , they were very reluctant the last administration to think about economic developments at all but , er eventually they realised the recession was quite er , quite serious .
12 Say like erm th stresses we 're all under will cause depression , but after my had my children I suffered from reactive hyperglycaemia , low blood sugar , and we , that was glucose intolerance and I think an awful lot of women erm , suffer th from this and it 's not erm found out and knowing the glucose intolerance I can understand how a lot of children erm , suffer from er problems with eating habits because I think this is being discovered more and more
13 This is a murder enquiry and I want the truth .
14 We came to a stop outside my bedroom door and he made a lurching movement .
15 Well , my gran had told me that she 'd gone down to see her friends who 'd get the Brown Lion after them by this time and er I decided to go down and tell them as I could see if they had n't got the radio on they would n't have known so as I walked from Burchells down Road I could see doors throwing open lights were coming on , people were coming out in the street and dancing and I got round down to the Brown Lion and it was all in darkness , and I rang the bell on the side door and I heard a few bumps and bangs and Mr who 'd kept it then came to the door , and I said do you know the war 's over and er he said oh no come on in that 's w now his son was a prisoner of war and they had been , he 'd continually tried to escape so much that he had his photograph taken in the Sunday paper , the , the Germans had had kept chaining him to the wall and other prisoners , other soldiers had got these photographs of him and smuggled them out and got them back to England , to the nearest papers , and er he he 'd said to my nan cos he knew she 'd always worked behind the bar , he said will you serve if I open the pub now , which was about eleven o'clock at night and she said yes of course , and the they opened the Brown Lion at about eleven o'clock at night in next to no time the place was full of people drinking , celebrating and of course the next day was really it .
16 and her wedding dress and she wanted a dress like that .
17 A sketch wad found on my locker door and I believe the author was Nobby Hall ; he had opposed my views on ditching , as well he might , since he was an ex-officer , Merchant Navy , who had joined the RAF as a direct entry sergeant pilot in the Baldwin expansion period , and it was indeed ironic that he should perish and his crew saved .
18 We have our little rule book and we let a woman come into the Guild for a few weeks and then she 's told the rules .
19 It can also occur after a heart attack or , if you are taking drugs to treat high blood pressure and you exceed the recommended dose .
20 ‘ I was induced because of high blood pressure and I had a pessary at midday .
21 Add to this theme positive appraisals as a manager through the internal appraisal system and you have a strong candidate .
22 It is one of the 20 largest software companies in the US , its MS-DOS Fastback package is the industry standard and it knows a thing or two about distribution and support .
23 In terms of closeness to York , I take the general review view and I support the County Council that it is generally better if the new settlement is located closer , close to York , because that under proviso that it is well located for public and private transport .
24 I picked him as my friend because he was a quiet , kind boy and we shared the same interest .
25 My next girl friend was a friendly and kind girl and we liked the same things .
26 Her eyes darted round the club as though seeking an escape route and she gave a hollow groan .
27 But the assessment suited me because much of it depended on riding an exercise bike and I do a lot of cycling . ’
28 The Leighs worked in a cotton mill and they had a gramophone , which Mother thought was a wonderful thing .
29 The remote control was clipped to the sun visor and he pressed the button .
30 When the truck had dumped me and my kit-bag at the Guard Room and I had a chance to look around me , I spied in the middle distance a cluster of substantial looking buildings .
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