Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun sg] [was/were] [to-vb] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 One of the Government 's aims in moving from supplementary benefit to income support was to simplify the system .
2 The purpose of the final case study was to test the viability of the package as a whole , and all the main partners were represented in the team that addressed the selected problem situation .
3 The first step in processing the typesetting tape was to find the mapping between the typesetting codes and the special characters .
4 From that date a National Labour Unity Committee was to organize the campaign within the Labour Party , while the Communists and the ILP would carry on separate agitations on their own .
5 In May of 1948 , the Zamzams crossed the Palestine border into Lebanon at Naqqoura — where the Palestinian writer Kalafani was to describe the misery of the refugees — and rented a house in Tyre for 12 Palestinian pounds a month .
6 He says one escape plan was to inject the wood with dry rot so the castle would fall down .
7 It seems that the appellants were considerably in debt to the mortgagees and the purpose of that second charge was to secure the debt .
8 The solution to the complexities of the system and the growing complexity of case law adjudication was to abolish the notion of additional allowances completely , replacing them with loans from a limited budget and no right to independent appeal .
9 As far as Marenches was concerned , the most important thing for a Western intelligence agency was to stop the spread of Communism .
10 The reaction of local farmers to this disruption of their normal farming activity was to wait the situation out , as they expected a high price for their lands .
11 Lenin is said to have declared that the best way to destroy the capitalism system was to debauch the currency
12 Palmer 's opening move was to oppose the introduction of a General Tax Ordinance for Nigeria , and , with the support of the Residents , to propose a return to the 1906 Native Revenue Ordinance , which stated that the tax paid in the Northern Provinces was levied by the native authorities with the approval but not at the direction of the governor .
13 Even even , okay , even if we the the reason that we need the output rate was to find the length of this bar .
14 The main reason behind the establishment of the Falls Development Agency was to assist the community of West Belfast to obtain employment and training in jobs and skills which were available .
15 The policy decision was to maintain the sterling area , above all in its 1940 form as a zone of exchange control .
16 The trustees argued that the valuation issue was to ascertain the property 's hypothetical value in a hypothetical sale between a hypothetical vendor and purchaser .
17 A year later , the then Lord Chancellor ( Lord Hailsham ) replied by claiming that the essential function of the Lord Chancellor was to defend the independence and integrity of the judiciary .
18 If the graph traversal were to follow the target node ‘ ancient history ’ to a source node ‘ ancient history ’ and delve into other details in the book germane to ancient history , it might lead the reader astray from the theme .
19 The purpose of the Monday morning assembly was to meet the Director of the week , his team of assistants , and to read through the script of the episode due to be recorded that Friday .
20 The prize problem was to fill the gap between Jacobi 's results by finding the number of expressions as a sum of at most five squares .
21 However , the field approach was to surpass the action at a distance approach with Faraday 's discovery of electromagnetic induction and his invention of the electric motor , the dynamo and the transformer in the 1830s .
22 Schrödinger 's original reason for putting forward this thought experiment was to demonstrate the folly , as he then believed , of the quantum theory : clearly it was ridiculous to think of a cat being neither dead nor alive — or , as an obvious corollary , both dead and alive at the same time .
23 The theory developed to account for these findings , Lapse Theory , proposed that the special effect of sleep loss was to increase the number of lapses in attention , possibly through " microsleeps " .
24 He was already determined to be a poet — between 1787 and 1789 he had composed An Evening Walk — and part of the aim of his 1790 long vacation walking-tour was to gather the material which was to form the basis of Descriptive Sketches .
25 The next move in social care planning was to advise the daughter and son-in-law to leave , applying to be rehoused .
26 One horseman asserted that the best device to make the coat shine was to wet the chaff occasionally with a little urine .
27 The state response to the problem of rising youth unemployment was to introduce the Youth Opportunities Programme ( known as YOP ) in 1977 .
28 The intention behind the introduction of the Green Form scheme was to extend the range of services offered by solicitors which would be covered by legal aid .
29 The aim of the Book Delivery Survey was to assess the quality of the current service , and , as an aid to planning the distribution of the collections in preparation for the completion of the Causewayside Building in 1994 , to provide information about the use of closed-access material by the Library 's readers .
30 After Handsworth part of the press response was to blame the riot on rivalry between West Indians and Asians , and even after the arguments were criticized by local residents ; and community leaders , they were used to ‘ explain ’ ' what happened .
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