Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun sg] [prep] the house of " in BNC.

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1 The government is formed by the political party enjoying majority support in the House of Commons ; while most ministers are members of the Commons , a number are drawn from the House of Lords , and legislation requires approval by both houses before enactment .
2 The government is formed by the political party with majority support in the House of Commons ; legislation requires approval by both houses before enactment .
3 The Heilbron Committee took the view that the majority decision of the House of Lords was correct in principle , that it would neither cloud the real issues in rape trials nor encourage juries to accept bogus defences .
4 The Chancellor , Norman Lamont , will tomorrow unwrap Britain 's last spring Budget in the House of Commons .
5 It is the cast of mind which decrees that Henry Cotton , the most successful British golfer of the last fifty years should get an MBE rather than a knighthood , the same level of honour as a shorthand note-taker in the House of Commons or the draftsman of regulations governing haddock quotas .
6 The bill , which was likely to be considered by the full Senate after the summer recess , was similar to that which had been approved by the judiciary committee of the House of Representatives on June 30 .
7 Barr stated , however , that the July 9 request by the judiciary committee of the House of Representatives for an independent prosecutor to examine the Iraqgate affair [ see p. 38998 ] contained " vague and general allegations " which did not meet these conditions .
8 The roasting he received during a marathon debate in the House of Lords in April , with the criticism emanating from all quarters , reached epic proportions .
9 THE copy of the confidential Department of Trade and Industry report into the House of Fraser takeover which was passed to the Observer newspaper was leaked by officers of the Metropolitan Police fraud squad , it was alleged yesterday .
10 Just before you go on , sorry erm er would an official of a township peasant association walk into the house of a rich peas peasant , register in hand and say will you please join the peasant association , how would the rich peasant answer .
11 Herbert ( p.41 above ) suggests that it would , for in that case , the court cited parliamentary privilege as one justification for not ordering a prosecution of members of the Kitchen Committee of the House of Commons for selling intoxicating liquor without a licence .
12 Churchill , a strong Zionist supporter , had fiercely condemned MacDonald in the Commons in 1938 and continued his verbal assault afterwards in the Division Lobby of the House of Commons .
13 He was a member of the archbishops ' committee on industrial problems ( 1917–18 ) , and in 1927 was the two archbishops ' choice to introduce the revised prayer-book measure in the House of Commons .
14 The future of Mar Lodge , which includes three of Britain 's five highest mountains , was also raised in an adjournment debate in the House of Commons by Labour MP Tam Dalyell .
15 Paisley was optimistic that he would be able to have the Black issue raised in an adjournment debate in the House of Commons .
16 Proposed changes to the way young offenders are dealt with will be discussed in an adjournment debate in the House of Commons tonight .
17 Anti-abortionist Mr Alton will raise the issue during an adjournment debate in the House of Commons tonight .
18 In 1988 , of 509 judges ( from the Circuit bench to the House of Lords ) , 91 had been born in or before 1920 .
19 Twice a year letters to ministers are collected and published as a Select Committee Report to the House of Lords , under the title ‘ Correspondence with Ministers ’ .
20 Confusingly , a Gould is in charge of Smith 's campaign office at the House of Commons , but she 's Jeanette Gould , the daughter of Joyce Gould of Walworth Road fame ( and Keith Barron MP 's assistant ) .
21 It 's due to receive its second reading in the committee stage of the House of Lords today .
22 But , like the suspects index and INDECS , it will receive partial exemption from the Data Protection Bill , now in committee stage in the House of Lords .
23 Intentionally or not he seems to suggest , as Lord Caithness also did at the Committee stage in the House of Commons , that the homosexual literature should pass the test of artistic and literary merit — characteristics which are necessary as a defence against a charge of obscenity under the Obscene Publications Act 1959 .
24 The proposal ran smack into the powerful beer lobby in Congress , including Richard Gephardt , majority leader of the House of Representatives , whose district in St Louis includes the giant Anheuser-Busch brewery .
25 Richard Gephardt , the majority leader in the House of Representatives , warned him that if he introduced health-care reform on the coat-tails of his budget , it would be seen as a tax issue rather than a health issue .
26 But the all-party transport committee of the House of Commons said , in a report on road maintenance , that the cuts should be reversed .
27 Why , he asked , should a man with an instant high profile platform in the House of Lords be allowed to use a TV channel while other less well placed people queue to voice their views .
28 Why , he asked , should a man with an instant high profile platform in the House of Lords be allowed to use a TV channel while other less well placed people queue to voice their views .
29 Occasionally , a Law Lord may introduce a Bill , as did Lord Templeman in 1987–8 when he took the Land Registration Bill through the House of Lords on behalf of the Law Commission .
30 In November 1989 Secord had pleaded guilty to a felony charge of making a false statement to congressional investigators by denying that he knew that funds from the Iran-contra operation had been used to instal a security system at the house of Oliver North .
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