Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun sg] [prep] [noun pl] on the " in BNC.

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1 The average breath methane concentration in responders on the low sulphate diet was 25 ppm .
2 This opens possibilities such as ‘ V ’ neck sweater with stripes on the right and hounds-tooth check on the left .
3 I scan the room — colleagues , floral arrangements , sofas , inoffensive paintings of pastoral scenes , and a bravura display of bottles on the cocktail trolley .
4 The tax concession in the 1990 Budget , which allowed tax relief for employees on the benefit of nursery facilities provided by an employer , has been instrumental in promoting child care arrangements .
5 The US company had a record number of titles on the New York Times bestseller lists through the year , including two new Stephen King titles and Terry McMillan 's Waiting to Exhale , and started off the year in a similarly cheerful position , with eight out of the 50 bestsellers on the lists .
6 Among other points in the opinion , sex discriminatory actuarial factors within the scheme are not allowed — benefits for women and men must be calculated in the same way , although unisex pricing of annuities on the market do not seem required .
7 So this device couple of electrodes on the head , this device in the ear clicking away madly , and they monitor The anaesthetist s connects it all up , presses a button saying Awake , injects the person with the
8 However the IG index of prices on the grey market — where shares are traded unofficially before issue — indicates that the more popular companies , such as Thames and Northumbrian , could open with at least a 30p premium , while the premium on the less popular North West and South West could be as low as 21p .
9 Eddie rummaged in a china bowl of oddments on the mantelpiece and handed Melissa a bright new key .
10 The presence of ants allows Bixa orellana ( Bixaceae ) , a dye plant with nectaries on the nodes and pedicels , to mature twice as many seeds as antless individuals , while Aphelandra scabra ( A. deppeana , Acanthaceae ) with nectaries on the bracts matures nine times as many fruits as plants deprived of their ants .
11 ( Add a teaspoonful of curry powder , or mix in some red kidney beans and a little chilli sauce for variations on the baked bean theme . )
12 29 of the 89 articles of the constitution deal with limitations on the parliament 's power and ways in which the government can restrict it .
13 The efficient learning curve of students on the Apple Macintosh , due to its ( now well-known ) intuitive and consistent interface .
14 Roy , the gunman from Rhodesia , had a suede jacket with tassels on the back and sleeves , and a pair of boots which he swore had been taken from a dead terrorist .
15 In these cases the infection has been contracted during passage through the birth canal from sores on the mother 's genitalia .
16 At all events we shall not go wrong in assuming that it is not without good reason that he tells us of so impressive a roll call of nationalities on the day of Pentecost ( 2:5–11 ) .
17 In the field of tactics the main interest of the eighteenth century lies in the slow modification of the traditional line formation of troops on the field of battle by the new or rediscovered idea of attack in column .
18 The cloisters ( 1172–89 ) of the abbey church are beautiful ; they are enclosed on four sides by coupled columns of stone and marble , inlaid with brilliantly coloured glass mosaic in patterns on the shafts and have richly varied carved capitals .
19 The jury of the prestigious Italian Salimbeni book prize for publications on the history and criticism of art has decided on this year 's winners .
20 It is encouraging to see so much attention paid to the development of youth cricket with articles on the Essex Colts , the Indoor School , Kwik Cricket and the Essex Schools Cricket Association , while at the other end of the scale , there is an insight into the Essex Over-50 XI .
21 He read extensively in science , social economy , and religion , became involved in local charitable activities , and was especially interested in the Wellesley training ship for boys on the Tyne .
22 the Regional Council 's first draft statement of observations on the appeal .
23 Nevertheless , there is much to interest the Spitfire enthusiast with chapters on the BBMF , the rounding-up of Spitfires for the movie Battle of Britain , the restoration of TB863 , now flying in New Zealand , the Charles Church operation and many others , all illustrating why this fighter has captured the hearts of many for generations .
24 The city lies on rising ground , from the sea on the north side to hills on the south .
25 For , placed at shoulder height at intervals on the walls of the aisle , were memorial tablets from the late seventeenth to early nineteenth centuries .
26 In the last month before war was declared , families who were still on the waiting list for places on the Kindertransporte , but knew they had little chance of moving up the queue , took to waiting at the main rail stations , watching and hoping .
27 Since there is a waiting list for places on the course for better driving , readers may be interested to know that groups affiliated to the Institute of Advanced Motorists hold such classes all over the country .
28 The discovery of mirror-image patterns of magnetic field reversal in rocks on the seabed off Iceland by Vine & Matthews reported in Nature in 1963 , combined with the earlier theoretical ideas and led to the concept of sea-floor spreading .
29 ‘ In the movie we drive an AMC Pacer with flames on the wheel wells , but the car we had back then was a Dodge Dart Swinger ; it 's sort of like a Vauxhall Viva .
30 However , since so few children attended some of these types of school , d is often calculated from proportions at the extremes of the scale ; if we rank the class exclusivity of schools on the basis of the magnitude of the d s , we seem to be told that the secondary moderns were the most selective , followed by the grammar schools .
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